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Collectable Valuable Gold Specimens from California

Gold has always been a prized possession for collectors and investors alike. But have you ever wondered how natural crystalline gold specimens form? California is one of the best places in the world to find rare and stunning natural gold specimens, so let’s explore what makes these specimens so special and how to collect incredible specimens weather in the field of experienced mineral dealers.

Crystalline gold specimens from California are unique in that they are formed by largely unknown geological processes due to California’s geology being so complex. However, natural processes deep within the earth, over millions of years through the process of hydrothermal deposition and the movements of fault zones delivered rich gold bearing fluids which crystallized to form these beautiful mineral specimens. They are formed in quartz veins mostly or found in creeks as nuggets, some gold crystals grow in pockets of clay within the country rock or large quartz veins. These pockets of clay are where the most beautiful and highly crystallized gold is formed.

Crystallized Gold Tuolumne County, California U.S.A.

To collect these specimens in the field, you need to first know where to look. California is home to many gold mining districts, but some of the most notable are the Mother Lode and the Quartz Vein districts. The Mother Lode is a 120-mile long belt of gold mines, stretching from Mariposa to Nevada City. However, few in between find crystalline gold and let along most of the potential gold bearing lands are already claimed by other prospectors. However, there are still other ways to obtain beautiful gold specimens from dealers such as They deal in mostly crystallized gold specimens and locally source specimens from miners in the motherlode district.

Wire Gold Georgetown, El Dorado County, California

The gold specimens displayed here are just some of the specimens collected and made available to mineral collectors. The gold comes in various formations and crystal structures. Some native gold is more lustrous than others and some are more complex in crystal growth. Some gold specimens are from old and non-operational mines that no longer exist which makes them more historically and physically rare then others. The type of gold that is the rarest of all is wire gold which forms in thin wire like formations and true wire gold formations are almost never available to the collector. Every mineral collector has a different preference to what specimens they like, for instance some collectors prefer only water worn smooth gold nugget type gold while others mostly like crystallized gold.

Collecting crystalline gold or nugget specimens from California can be a rewarding and exciting experience for any collector. With the right equipment, reliable mineral dealers, and knowledge, you can obtain a unique piece of natural beauty to add to your collection.