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College Essay Tips: Enter College of Your Dream

Why do we have to write essays to get into a college? Colleges insist on essays when you are applying, because they can infer a lot more about your personality by the effort that you put into your essays.

You will be asked to write about yourself – your goals, aspirations and why you feel that this college would be right for you, John M. Caviness, a content writer at MeowEssay, says. Luckily this type of essay does not require much research because you will primarily write about yourself.

Writing your college essay may not be a cakewalk but it is not impossible either.

Here are a few tips for you to follow:

  1. Use an engaging style of narration while talking about yourself. Your essay should be vivid enough for the reader to picture you. Your grades will give them an idea about your academic strengths but it is your essay that will reveal your passions and personality.

  2. Most often, students put in many inconsequential details about their life hoping to impress the readers. Listing every award and prize that you have won in your entire school career is not necessary.

  3. There will be piles of essays to read before yours is read. To make your essay more memorable you can make it humorous. But humorous does not mean bad puns and off-color jokes. You can use witty anecdotes and funny metaphors to make your essay stand out from the rest.

  4. Though the essay is about you, your goals, accomplishments, if you do not get the tone of the essay right, you might end up sounding like a braggart. Bring in a touch of humility, when you are discussing your accomplishments. On the flip side, if your grades are bad, do not whine about it blaming your school or teachers about it.

  5. It is understood that you cannot hand over your college essay with grammatical or punctuation mistakes. Check and recheck your essay as many times as possible before handing it over. Silly spelling mistakes and grammatical errors can cost you your college admission no matter how spectacular your scores have been.

  6. Always remember that you are writing an essay and not a resume. This is not an impersonal listing of accomplishments but a very personal account of yourself and your background. On the flip side, do not get too personal and write an autobiography.

  7. Avoid unnecessary long sentences and be crisp and concise. No one wants to read a 50-words sentence when just five words are enough!

  8. Be honest about how you portray yourself in the essay. Do not try to reinvent yourself and lie about your personality. You can be caught!

  9. If you are applying in more than one college, do not recycle one essay. Customize your essays individually for each college. Do a thorough research of each college before you write why you want to study there.

  10. Keep within the stipulated word limit and do not exceed it.