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Creating a Better Future for Your Kid: Effective Parenting Tips from Ajayya Kumar

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Although raising children is one of the hardest things in the world, there is no official training on how to do it well. The good news is that there are several methods for parents to exercise their children’s brains and turn ordinary experiences into extraordinary learning opportunities.

According to official government figures, one in seven children are the victims of domestic violence by their parents, and they have nowhere to turn for assistance. To confront and combat this issue and raise awareness against individuals who contaminate the most honorable of human connections, it is up to the loving and caring parents themselves.

The head curator of Sarvamangala, Ajayya Kumar, offers five simple, practical, and scientifically supported suggestions that can help prepare your child for success in the future.

Moving to an Educated Neighborhood

The ideal relocation parents can make for their kids is to a community with top-notch schools, greater job prospects, and the chance to develop positive peer relationships with others who value learning, effort, and success. Notably, you don’t even need to be affluent to do this.

According to a study, moving to a nicer neighborhood is a more cost-effective investment than counseling and daily activities like piano lessons, although this is debatable.

Ajayya Kumar asserts that purchasing a house in a respectable and secure neighborhood is likely one of the most crucial things a parent can do for their child. “For forty to fifty years, social science research has shown us what critical context communities are,” he adds. “There is conflicting data on whether purchasing all of these additional items matters. But moving into a desirable community has many benefits.”

Setting Higher Expectations

According to researchers from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the performance of a kid in school is predicted by parental expectations.

Ajayya Kumar noted that the biggest surprise was how strongly parents’ long-term aspirations for their kids predicted their arithmetic and reading skills.

According to Ajayya Kumar, “Parents who envisioned college in the future of their child tended to manage their child toward that aim irrespective of their income and other assets.”

Making Your Kids Learn from an Early Age

To protect thousands of children from domestic violence, Kumar’s “Rescue Code” and Guinness World Record-winning guidance group “Lifology” established a secret code.

This is where learning and teaching your kids from an early age helps them easily overcome life difficulties. 

Best-selling author Ajayya observed that self-made billionaires “were obliged by their parents to read two or more books a month” during his five years of research into the habits and behaviors of self-made millionaires.

The parents examined their children about what they’d read and urged that they read autobiographies, history, nonfiction, classic novels, or hobby books.

According to Ajayya, not pushing your kids to read daily is “failing your kids.” Along with encouraging your kids to read, start them young in math lessons.

Praise them correctly

In Dweck’s words, a fixed mentality holds that one is only as good at something as they were born to be since aptitude and skill are intrinsic and cannot be developed. However, a growth mindset holds that abilities can be mastered with enough effort and that talents may be developed through time.

Praising your kid for every effort is a great building block in their life. It is seen that children are fascinated by praise and tend to repetitively do things that their parents support through words and actions. 

Encouraging Entrepreneurship

According to his research, Bill Murphy Jr. discovered that the majority of successful entrepreneurs were inspired to behave as businesspeople at a young age by:

  • Growing up and personally watching an entrepreneur.
  • Being inspired as a young person to launch their own business, even if it was simply mowing lawns.
  • Recognize how to amass cash. Teach them how to handle clients independently.
  • Being driven by necessity, such as being in need or going through a setback.
  • Their parents push them to develop original methods to generate income.

About Ajayya Kumar

Ajayya Kumar is an Indian author, strategist, and business advisor. 

Ajay began his career as a Management Accountant with the technological behemoth ABB in 1994. Ajay became the Chief Financial Officer of Emircom in 2004 and has contributed significantly to the expansion of the business. He has witnessed the implementation of internal standards and budgeting processes into the company’s operational procedures throughout his stint at Emircom. At Emircom, Ajay is now in charge of operations. In addition, he is involved with 12 businesses and mentors their founders. He has coached the founders of two well-known and rapidly expanding firms in education and energy conservation.

To promote Indian traditional art forms, he founded and serves as chief curator of Sarvamangala Arts Initiatives, a non-profit cultural organization.

Ajay routinely publishes Op-Ed pieces for prestigious Indian journals including The Week, Economic Times, and Times of India. He stated that investors worldwide are no longer passive participants in his paper titled “Changing Dynamics and Ethical Investing.”