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Creative Spaces vs. Traditional Office Spaces: Pros and Cons

Belonging to a creative industry calls for the perfect workplace. Whether you own a small traditional office or rent a dedicated desk with some amenities in a co-working space, it doesn’t matter. 

What matters? Three factors determine the right choice for the workplace. 

First is the kind of productivity attained at the end of the day, week, and month. 

Second, consider the clientele that is attracted to your work (whatever you sell: products or services). 

Third, the outlook of your business (setting a trademark in the industry). 

However, all these factors are found in co-working, creative spaces, and traditional office spaces. 

Interestingly, both types of offices have advantages and disadvantages. Let’s examine them in detail so that you can make a wise decision. 

Category #1: Co-Working & Creative Spaces 

The layout orientation is very welcoming and open to adaptation. These working spaces are usually shared with other individuals, allowing them to collaborate with professionals from different industries. 

The furniture of co-working spaces is relatively more comforting and relaxing. Because of this particular reason, people with creative minds associate themselves with the right spot. 

This workspace also includes some basic amenities, such as a Wi-Fi connection, printers, and free beverages (mostly coffee and tea). 

If you are looking for a creative space to rent in Los Angeles, you must consider the following pros and cons. 

Advantages of Creative Spaces: 

#1: Freedom of Agility Within the Space

Creative spaces are built to let individuals move around freely without any need for permission. This means the creative space you are in is your territory, and you can feel like a boss within the space provided. 

#2: Networking Opportunities for Small Businesses 

Since it is a coworking or creative space, many individuals are on the same premises with almost the same agenda (to complete work). This space, however, gives the liberty to interact with other professionals – something that opens the room for collaboration.

#3: No Hidden Charges 

Some amenities save hassle, time, energy, and effort. What does it mean? It means that the utility cost, along with the provision of furniture, coffee or tea, internet, printer, etc., are included in the monthly plan. 

Disadvantages of Creative Spaces 

#1: Charges are on an Expensive Side 

Creative spaces are more expensive than traditional offices. Professionals who have worked from such places say creative spaces are more expensive than going to a coffee shop and working from there. 

#2: No Privacy and Over-Crowded Spaces 

There isn’t anything like privacy because of the crowd. It can’t be your option if you are looking for something extremely professional. This is based on the distractions caused by the people in the creative space. 

#3: You Need More Professional Look for Professional Meetings 

It is not the best call for a professional meeting. The reason is, again, fundamental: it doesn’t give a brand image. 

Category #2: Traditional Offices

Traditional offices are more for enterprises and companies with more to look for at the end of the month. To say these places or offices are meant for productivity and concentration won’t be wrong. There are several perks of working in a very typical office. For example, it allows compartments or cubicles of your own. These cubicles, etc., work like a charm in longevity. 

Not just that, in a traditional office space, conference rooms are there for meetings along with other resources to make the conferences easier. 

Advantages of Creative Spaces: 

#1: Professional Space for Clientele 

Fortunately, confidentiality is maintained in a traditional office space. 

#2: Privacy and Seclusion

Meeting rooms and conference halls are not as crowded or overbooked as creative spaces. Traditional meeting rooms are more secluded and quiet, and there is almost no distraction whatsoever! 

#3: Personal Branding in Traditional Offices 

Branding becomes easy in traditional spaces because the entire office projects your brand. 

#4: Production of Human Resources 

Individual work is more focused than collaboration in traditional spaces. Therefore, it is ideal for already established businesses. 

Disadvantages of Creative Spaces:           

#1: It is a Long-Term Obligation 

Offices that are more focused on traditional settings have been leased for years.

#2: Zero to Little Networking Possibilities

There are almost zero possibilities to network or socialize with professionals in your office or outside your industry. 

#3: Separated Feel and No Inclusivity in Office Space 

Communication and sharing ideas or collaboration are barged because of cubicles created for professionals.