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Crypto Platform JumpTask: Micro-Tasks and Passive Income?

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Let’s be honest. Almost everyone would like to earn passive income on the side. You might want to get a side hustle, but you are busy with your current job and don’t have much spare time. Or you don’t have a lot of funds to invest in real estate and collect rent passively. Is there something else to do?

According to JumpTask, there is. A gig economy marketplace for freelancers, JumpTask launched in January 2022. It already has 920k+ users worldwide, which signals that the platform is growing rapidly. Let’s see what JumpTask is and how it might help you earn on the side.

What is JumpTask Used For?

JumpTask is used for getting extra money by completing simple micro-tasks. These are provided by businesses that have large projects and need workers. They break down complex tasks into simple, bite-sized pieces and distribute them to freelancers on JumpTask.

The platform differs from traditional gig marketplaces: it pays freelancers in crypto. JumpTask has its own token – JumpToken (JMPT). When users complete micro-tasks, they get JMPT into their crypto wallets. After that, gig workers can keep or sell tokens for fiat money.

It’s easy to get started: you need to use your existing crypto wallet. Alternatively, a new wallet is created automatically when you use social logins to sign up. Notably, the website could be improved as it’s sometimes difficult to find what you are looking for. Nevertheless, as the project started only this year, the website and the app will get updated.

How Can I Earn on JumpTask?

You can earn in a couple of different ways on JumpTask. Some earning types require a little effort, while others allow you to earn effortlessly. The platform could have more ways to make money, but again – the project is relatively new, and they are adding new earning types every quarter.

First, you can choose from different task offers from their Offerwalls task module. You complete simple tasks such as watching videos, testing new apps, and playing games. All of the tasks are beginner-friendly and interesting to complete. And you get crypto tokens, meaning you earn on the side and get a chance to learn about crypto, too.

Second, there is a way to earn JMPT passively. You need to download an app, keep it running in the background of your device, and share your internet bandwidth to get paid. How? Once you install the Honeygain app, a passive income app partnering with JumpTask, earning is easy. You just let Honeygain share internet traffic and collect JMPT.

Third, another way to get passive income on JumpTask is through staking. Still not sure what staking is? Fear not – it might sound complicated, but essentially it works like a savings account. You deposit your funds and then collect interest after some time. Only with crypto, you deposit JumpTokens, and collect JMPT rewards passively.

All in all, JumpTask delivers on its promise to provide both active and passive income for freelancers. However, we did not answer an important question yet: how much can you earn?

How Much Money Can I Make on JumpTask?

To confirm, JumpTask does not promise to make you millions in crypto from the start. The platform and JumpToken have potential, and you currently can earn a nice bonus to help cover your bills. For example, $50 per month is certainly possible, or even more. You will also gain if the JMPT increases in value, and then you can sell it and make a profit.

At the end of the day, your earnings depend on how many tasks you complete. For example, if you combine both active and passive methods of earning, you will definitely boost your income. Using some of your JMPT in staking is wise instead of just holding them in your wallet. This way, you make your existing JumpTokens work for you and earn rewards. 

What Other Benefits Do I Get?

For starters, JumpTask helps you take your first steps in the passive income world. With other platforms such as Fiverr, you must have professional skills to succeed: graphic design, writing, or web development. While everything is fine with that, many people are unable to take on such side hustles. JumpTask helps by providing tasks that anyone can complete.

Also, JumpTask provides flexibility. The tasks are available almost anywhere in the world: the platform tries to include as many people as possible. Freelancers can also choose when and how much to work. Additionally, gig workers get paid promptly after each task completion. Finally, companies are eager to join the platform to access the global workforce.

Final Words

Overall, JumpTask helps people to earn both actively and passively. Of course, the platform will not generate huge income like assets such as real estate. However, entry is much easier on JumpTask, and everyone has to start somewhere. JumpTask is definitely an option to consider for your first side hustle.