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Data Collecting in 2021 – Marketing Perspective

In order to master the coming years and challenges, marketers have to adapt to the rapidly developing environment with new strategies. However, many of these marketing strategies and trends are not necessarily new. Yet they evolve in unique ways that will affect your actions in the future. And there are great opportunities, from analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to data quality , monetization, privacy and security.

The marketing industry will continue to grow over the coming years. We believe that new trends should be watched closely as they offer great opportunities. We have prepared a list of five major trends to keep in mind.

Data madness

When we look to the year 2021, there are still open questions for marketers and consumers about the “data madness”. The development of these two groups will separate and create new opportunities for marketers.

On the one hand, we will increase the importance of data and enable marketers to address and adapt it to people. On the other hand, we foresee that with the upcoming regulatory changes (ePrivacy et al.) And the technical limitations of third-party cookie rules, the ongoing discussions about data protection will become an entirely new topic

3 main reasons to collect data for marketing purposes

  1. Personnel-based marketing

Nearly 90% of online advertisers are expected to implement some form of personalized marketing , as Gartner predicts. Such personalization can only be achieved with compressed data from the people themselves.  Personal marketing is going really fast on Instagram. The platform is growing every year and you’ll see many personalities/celebrities posting only on Instagram. With good personal marketing, you’ll get thousands of followers on Instagram.

  1. Customer data platforms (CDP)

” The CDP explosion, ” as Forbes calls it. Massive software providers such as Adobe, SAP or Oracle have entered this field where their solutions are quickly advertised. With these solutions, marketers can capture personalized data more efficiently.

  1. User experience

User experience is key and remains a fundamental aspect of any marketing strategy implemented. Thanks to Google’s push into Core Web Vitals, we can see its importance again. Personalization and relevance are online advertising trends to watch out for. Taking them to a higher level will be a huge leap forward in the marketing industry.

3 reasons not to collect data 

  1. Consent and preference management

Marketers must continually strive to manage consent, especially on issues such as customer data ethics. The GDPR has become increasingly active as data protection has become a real problem in today’s digital world, overall with the advent of the Data Protection Act for electronic communications. Companies need to take this extra step to respect their customers’ privacy and keep their practices ethical .

  1. Promote data ethics

We can expect many brands to encourage “ethical / non-anonymous” computing as a whole, which could become a trend. SmartHQ announced that “86% of consumers say they are concerned about their privacy”.

  1. Ad blocking

Ad blocking is and will remain an issue for marketers worldwide. According to emarketer , this trend is expected to increase from 25% to 27% in 2021.

We explored the positive aspects of data collection and how it can become an obstacle for businesses too. Whether you are following these trends or not, we believe you still need to think about your Marketing Data Strategy . However, when properly integrated, data can accelerate many business strategies by improving processes and empowering the people required to execute them.