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Data Science Careers in 2022: What are Your Options?

In data science, enormous volumes of data in an organization’s database are analysed in great detail. Complicated analytic issues may be solved by combining data interpretation, machine learning and engineering. Companies have gained useful insights from unlabelled, unstructured and unfiltered data using the power of data science.

Mathematicians, statisticians and computer scientists all make up the data science workforce. It is the job of a data scientist to analyse and comprehend vast amounts of data in order to discover patterns and get a better understanding of what all of this information means. Data scientists bridge the gap between the commercial and IT sectors by analysing large information and extracting actionable insights for businesses. There are a lot of career options in Data Science.

Job Roles in Data Science

  • Big Data Engineer: Those who work in the field of big data engineering are IT professionals who design, create, test and manage complicated data processing systems that handle massive amounts of information.
  • Data Mining Engineer: The database system is placed in the hands of a data mining engineer (DME). It is his/her job to provide business leaders with advise on the best technology to satisfy his/her company’s requirements and to seek ways to enhance the system and make it more relevant to those objectives.
  • Business Intelligence Analyst: A financial and market intelligence report would not exist without the work of a business intelligence analyst. A company’s operations and future objectives may be affected by the patterns and trends that are highlighted in these reports. A business intelligence analyst is a professional responsible for creating these reports in the first place.
  • Data Architect: When it comes to planning, developing, implementing and maintaining an organization’s data architecture, a data architect is an expert in data architecture, a field in data management. For example, data architects determine how distinct domains and IT systems will interact with one other and with any applications that use or process that information in some manner.

Difference Between a Data Scientist and a Data Analyst

Data scientists use sophisticated data methods to forecast the future in order to cope with the unknown. They develop predictive models that can handle both labelled and unlabelled data by coding their own machine learning algorithms or by designing such processes.

On the other hand, data analysts deal with labelled data in order to address real-world business issues. They do so utilising tools such as SQL programming languages and data visualisation software such as Tableau and PowerBI.

Why Should You Choose a Career in Data Science?

A lot of potential for personal growth may be found in a job in data science. It is a sought-after job role. There are many employment openings in the field of data science due to its vastness and abundance. While the field of data science and artificial intelligence has a huge list of open positions, qualified candidates are hard to come by. Nearly every company wants its data scientists to have impeccable analytical and interpretation skills. Besides collecting data, they are also responsible for increasing its efficiency. Improved products that meet specific customer demands have been created as a result of data science. Online shops, for example, use a variety of recommendation algorithms to great effect. These advancements have made robots capable of understanding human behaviour and using data to make judgments.


For those who want to get a data science certification, Imarticus has developed a data analytics course. You may learn AI from Imarticus in only nine months using the most up-to-date AI technologies and get certified in this field.