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Definitive Guide to Recruiting Dynamics ERP & CRM Talent

Now, in front of you is a guide that fully describes the recruitment process, with which you can professionally hire the best specialists in Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM. 

Today, there is almost no company in the world that does not use a CRM system because it allows you to develop and manage relationships as efficiently as possible, both between customers and employees. It is useful for any organizational unit – sales, marketing, customer service, and recruiting. CRM development services aim to use customer data fully and smartly and create tools for customer experience management throughout different touchpoints. That is why it is important to hire a CRM specialist in time.

The same applies to Microsoft Dynamics ERP, the company’s resource management system, which is developed to support all enterprise business processes and is used to solve most business problems.

Part 1: Setting a target

Constant technology and finance changes dictated by software developers like Ruby on rails, Node, React, Java, Python developers and more to characterize the entire IT field. What was suitable for work until recently, nowadays, may be completely unacceptable. Therefore, the recruiter must keep abreast of the latest developments and improve their skills.

Who are you looking for? 

The work of a recruiter is often not only to find a specialist but also to conduct long and complex negotiations between the company and the employee so that each receives favorable conditions for joint work.

A competent specialist speaks with candidates in the language of developers and competently describes the tasks facing programmers so that they understand at the interview stage whether this position suits them. To assess the skills of a future employee, specialized software is now increasingly used, on which you will need to perform several standard tasks similar to those that the candidate will face while working in the company.

Sometimes the company’s success depends almost entirely on the recruiter’s qualifications. If you do not find a specialist in time, the deadlines and plans of tasks will be disrupted, often affecting profits and funding.

With setting a target, and a clear idea of the specialist you need, professional recruitment of a potential employee is possible. So, first of all, you need to pay attention to the requirements for the current position for successfully recruiting Dynamics ERP & CRM talent.

Drawing up a job description 

Usually, the job description indicates the necessary responsibilities of the position and the skills required to perform the work. But, this is not enough for the candidate to get a complete picture of the vacancy and the company (not to mention the salary and bonuses)!

A rigid job description overflowing with requirements can only put off a potential employee. In contrast, a flexible, well-thought-out description can identify the perfect candidate for your team who might have been overlooked. Job hunters want a realistic and clear understanding of what their position entails. So whether answering the question what does a COO do or offering clear numbers on salary expectations, recruiters should opt for transparency and clarity when hiring. 

Ask, but correctly!

Ask the right questions that will help you determine the candidate’s qualifications and preferences.

Questions on technical requirements:

– ERP/CRM brand and version, system size;

– required skills/abilities, additional skills, and skills for professional growth;

– the desired number of years of experience;

– required management experience;

– orientation to the desired field of education;

– desirable personal qualities for the position, etc.

Questions on the details of the position:

– position location;

– the possibility of a remote position;

– the need to relocate;

– readiness to solve issues related to obtaining a work permit, etc.

Questions on compensation and benefits:

– salary range;

– compensation package (rate, bonus, etc.);

– a form of employment (contract, employment agreement);

– availability of benefits for the position (vacation, sick leave, medical/insurance coverage).

Advantageous job offers

In addition, it should be understood that specialists in the field of ERM and CRM solutions are highly valued, and employers have to “sell” themselves to potential employees. It is necessary to attract the candidate’s attention, especially at an early stage.

The following questions can be advantageous proposals:

  1. Is there something that may interest the candidate in the work process in your company?
  2. What are the opportunities for career growth?
  3. What is the staff of the company? What is the annual income of the company?
  4. Is there a possibility of remote work?

Advantageous job offers highly impact the success of Dynamics ERP & CRM talent recruitment.


After drafting the job description, it will be important to discuss it with all key members of your team who will interact with the new employee. This will avoid unnecessary confusion during the interview and eliminate unnecessary information.

After discussing the job description with the team, you can make a comparative analysis and evaluation of your job description and examples from the Internet and the current market.

Does your job description meet the current market conditions? 

Part 2: Drawing up a job description 

The job description exists for the following purposes – to protect and serve. Well, seriously, it performs the following tasks:

  1. It (really) serves to describe the position and requirements. It ensures that HR, the hiring team, and the candidate comprehensively understand what the job is about.
  2. To disseminate information. A published vacancy (social network, own website, bulletin board, etc.) will have no effect if it is not placed correctly. When you create detailed and specific job descriptions, you increase the chances that the right candidates will find your description when looking for a job.
  3. To capture the attention of the job seeker. The appearance and content of the ad are of great importance. Spend time to make your job description attractive.

Hiring an ERP/CRM professional is a dynamic process that requires attention and objectivity. But, we are all real people and live in the real world, but with our own ideals.

Part 3: Reality and re-orientation 

In an ideal world, the best specialist with extensive experience and relevant certificates, who lives a couple of kilometers from the office, would have long ago answered the vacancy: “When do I start?” In reality, the ideal candidate may be on the other side of the world and not have enough experience.

So, such realities of today force HR to reorient the job description and re-evaluate the requirements for the candidate. This will save time and money.

A little creativity and an open mind can open up incredible opportunities and lead you to a great find for your company. And don’t forget to follow up. Eager candidates will often follow up with you themselves, but as a professional recruiter you want to be in the habit of following up as a part of your job. This is where networking tools like a digital business card can come in handy by enabling you to automate follow ups with new connections. 

Part 4: Different types of candidates and How to attract them 

Passive candidates are not actively looking for work but are open to suggestions. Passive candidates come from social media profiles, professional networks, personal databases, etc. We can confidently call this type the most difficult because these specialists need to be won. Almost all ERP/CRM talent is passive, so it takes some effort to find them. The problem is that they are not looking for a job but can be the best of the best.

Active candidates are active in the job search, responding to job postings, or interested in the job board. Yes, they are available and openly looking for a new job. However, firstly, there may be a reason why they are out of work. Secondly, they may be accepting offers from too many directions, so that time will be wasted. 

With the right Dynamics candidate attraction strategy, you can hire the employees you need more effectively.


So, from the above, ERP/CRM specialists are necessary for many companies with a professional approach to business – a responsible attitude to people, time, and money. But, it can be very difficult to find a candidate, especially if you have no idea about him. Therefore, it is necessary to set certain tasks to help HR find a potential employee. Recruiters need to be very flexible and be able to reorient in time because there are different types of candidates to consider. Finally, recruiters need to carefully draft the job description and ask the right questions to the candidate because the company’s and team’s success depend on it.

Author Bio: Kevin White is a freelance blogger. He’s got experience in writing quality pieces on various topics. You may feel free to reach out to him at [email protected] for collaboration suggestions.