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Digital Transformation With a Digital Adoption Platform

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred drastic changes in the global business landscape, so much so, that businesses are looking into solutions like a DAP platform to aid in their digital transformation. A DAP or digital adoption platform is a software platform that’s layered over digital business tools to guide users on the proper and efficient usage of those tools. It’s a no-code solution that empowers companies to drive, measure, and act to accelerate digital transformation and maximize ROI.

Typically used by SaaS companies, a DAP platform can be used by companies in any industry to provide a seamless experience for employees in the use of innovative digital tools. It also provides visibility across the tech stack to allow executives and stakeholders to quantify and ultimately improve digital transformation efforts. 

Digital Adoption is Key

Today’s businesses are digital, and those who don’t believe so would have to change their perspective. At its core, a digital transformation is a change in mindset. Getting buy-in from every member of the organization is vital if a digital transformation is to be successful. For that to happen, the benefits of digitalization must be ingrained in your company culture. A Gartner study shows that two out of three employees waste 12% of work hours each week trying to maximize the use of technology provided by their company.

The issue is a serious one, since companies the world over are putting their eggs in the IT basket due to the changes brought about by the pandemic. It’s a question of survival, and companies that want to stay afloat should reinvent themselves and respond to the call of the times. Global IT spending is forecasted to grow 5.5% in 2022, but this won’t help accelerate digital transformation if employees aren’t equipped to maximize digital tools and made aware of their long-term benefits.

What to Look for in a DAP Platform

As the evolving business landscape changes how and where people work, companies should look for a DAP platform to improve digital tool utilization and efficiency. The objective is to complement human capability with technological innovation and get the best possible business outcomes. As such, a DAP platform should address the specific needs of a business in a sustainable and scalable manner.

In a way, your chosen DAP platform should provide guidance in a way that forces technology to adapt to the users and not the other way around. A key feature of a DAP platform is its close integration with applications or tools, allowing it to provide real-time guidance in the form of interactive walkthroughs, step-by-step tutorials, tool tips, and time- and events-based alerts. 

At the end of the day, every DAP platform’s objective is the same: speed. The success of digital transformation largely depends on how quickly a company adapts and adopts; for companies to adapt, they should adopt a digital approach and modify business strategy as needed. Creating microlearning programs and task checklists will keep employees engaged and on track, while user analytics will help you as a business owner identify recurring issues, specific pain points, and opportunities to further accelerate growth. Armed with this information, you can create additional walkthroughs and other types of content as necessary to help employees get the best out of the DAP platform.

Below are the things to consider when choosing the appropriate DAP platform.

  • Intuitive interface
    The user experience is vital when choosing a DAP platform because it won’t be able to help employees if they find it hard to use. An intuitive interface is a must, preferably with natural-language conversational capabilities to make the experience as frictionless as possible. Your chosen DAP platform should also be able to provide a seamless experience when extracting data from both within and outside the application.
  • Cross-platform compatibility
    Integration with the tools your company already uses is also something to look for. Your DAP platform should be able to provide guidance and visibility across systems to ensure that everyone in the organization can benefit. Employees will have different needs and use different tools to address them. Your DAP platform should be able to segment users and provide contextualized guidance that’s customized for each segment.
  • Intelligent insights
    Data from a DAP platform can’t be put to good use if the platform can’t analyze it and provide AI-powered actionable insights. Insights gathered should be able to help address pain points that hinder adoption. Data should also include user behavior to help you see time spent on particular tasks and identify inefficiencies in the system. Intelligent insights from an effective DAP platform will help promote a culture of continuous improvement, in turn, helping with your digital transformation.
  • Workflow automation and management
    Not all processes can be automated, but a number of repetitive workflows can be so you can focus on the more important things. Your DAP platform should also be an easy-to-use, no-code solution that allows the organization to monitor, measure, and improve KPI’s that are aimed at both pushing the business and your digital transformation efforts forward.

Walking Your Business Through Digital Transformation

A DAP platform empowers companies to improve the efficiency of employees and enhance the overall customer experience by providing a no-code guidance platform. Aside from fast-tracking user adoption, it also reduces the cost of employee training, software licensing, and significantly lessens the workload of IT teams. DAP platforms that leverage AI, machine learning, and sentiment analysis provide insights that help in the continuous improvement of productivity and overall employee experience. The integration of a DAP platform with your business systems unlocks the potential of your digital investments and makes its benefits felt across the organization.

As companies look forward to bridging the technology gaps within their organizations, it’s apparent that a DAP platform isn’t a luxury for those who can afford it but a necessity for those who can’t afford to lose the digital game. In today’s constantly evolving business landscape, it’s the only game that’s being played—and it’s a game that you should be playing to win today and in the future.