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DJL Dato Jonathan Lim’s Career in a Nutshell

An award-winning entrepreneur, a business coach, a stellar career in property development, and a wise investor – that’s DJL Dato Jonathan Lim in a nutshell. And he is still in his 30s. This goes to show the amount of hard work he had put in from early in his career. 

Jonathan is someone who never backs away from challenges. He started exploring the online trading industry when he was in college. It was his dream to start a business of his own, and online trading was one of the avenues to make money. He saved up enough money and built his IT company. 

Many would say it’s too early to start a business, but DJL didn’t have any doubts about his approach. His fearless attitude and ability to adapt to situations made him one of the most successful young entrepreneurs of his time. Jonathan’s IT company offered both hardware and software services. Additionally, it also provided multimedia content to various telecommunication companies. 

A millionaire before reaching 30

Who says you can’t be a millionaire at a young age? If you work hard and smart, you can become one before you reach 30. And DJL is a living example of that. His IT company became so successful that it made millions within a couple of years. He made over 10 million at the age of 32. That’s a remarkable achievement for someone who started his first company at 26.

The multi-millionaire said in a recent interview, “I didn’t dream of becoming a millionaire before 30. I always say to my students that you shouldn’t keep a specific figure in mind when you start a business. Instead, you should focus on expanding your business; money would naturally come once your business grows. 

When I started providing IT services, I didn’t want to limit my business to one industry. I wanted to explore new avenues from where my company would make money. This made me invest in new ventures that fortunately worked for me. Soon, I started the MMG Group of Companies that offered IT services and industrial investment and training, e-commerce, fintech startups, and digital marketing. And that’s how MMG Group of Companies managed to reach the 10-million figure so quickly.”

Emergency call assistance service 

Apart from offering a wide range of services, DJL wanted to give something back to society. And that’s when he teamed up with PDRM and Social Security to provide a one-touch emergency call assistance service. It became a one-stop solution for people who were in emergencies like breaking, robbery, or medical emergencies. In addition to calling for assistance, people could also use DJL’s app to inform the police or paramedics. His immense effort at reducing crime made him a consultant for his city’s Community Policing. 

DJL is an inspiration for many who want to do many things in life but can’t figure out where to start. His career in so many industries proves that you can be the best in the business in more than one field if you have the determination.