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Effective Ways to Score Good Marks in Class 9 Science

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Science is an important subject as it forms the base of knowledge for various other things and subjects that students learn in school or life. Science provides the knowledge essentially of everything around us. Class 9 is considered an important class of secondary school as much of what you learn in this class forms the basis of topics taught in class 10. It is important that you score good marks in this class as many times marks of class 9 are also considered in many college applications and other entrance exams. Excelling in subjects in classes 9 and 10 also helps you decide what stream you might want to opt for in class 11. 

Science in class 9 is largely divided into 3 areas namely Physics, Chemistry and Biology. There are a total of 15 chapters in the NCERT book. These chapters are classified into 5 units- Matter, Organization in the living world, Motion, Force and Work, Our Environment and Food. The units motion and matter are of maximum weightage hence, the extra focus should be given to chapters under these units. The final exam is of 80 marks and all the above-mentioned units are given different weightage depending on the pattern of the paper. The remaining 20 marks are a part of the internal assessment that is conducted by the school. 

Preparation tips

Some effective ways and measures that you can follow to score good marks in the class 9 science exam are:

  • Study daily- More than studying during exam time it is important that you practice and study what you learn daily. As discussed, class 9 forms the foundation of a lot of topics introduced in higher classes so it is important that you form a firm base right now. For this to happen and to make it easy to score good marks in the final exam, it is important that you put in the work daily by studying what you keep learning in school on a regular basis. 
  • Prepare a schedule- Preparing a timetable that divides your time equally for different topics is very important for optimal time management and efficient learning. Give time to each and every topic while preparing the timetable and also give yourself breaks in between the study periods. In the timetable, also make sure that you set daily goals for yourself like finishing a certain topic or chapter. This will help you finish all the topics in time and keep you on track.
  • Know the exam pattern- As discussed before the final exam is of 80 marks. There are a total of 27 questions which can be of 1 mark, 2 marks, 3 marks and 5 marks. It is very important that all the diagrams drawn in the exam are drawn and labelled correctly. This might fetch you some extra marks that you would lose due to some other mistake. There are also practical based questions that can be asked from topics like tissue cells, compounds, mass, mixtures, laws of reflection of sound, the density of solid and speed. 
  • Make a list of important topics- Making a list helps you determine how to distribute your time while studying and which topic might need more attention and practice. Even if the whole chapter might not seem that important, make a list of topics within the chapter that you might think are important for you or need more time. Go through the NCERT book thoroughly and do not leave any topic while studying. 
  • Make notes- Making notes is a very effective way of learning what you are reading and memorising it. When you learn something by writing it you tend to retain it better. Make notes while going through the chapters in the NCERT book. Make notes that are concise and to the point. This will also make revision easier for you as you will not have to go through the whole chapter but you can just revise from the notes and refer to the textbook if needed. 
  • Practice questions and mock papers- Practice all the questions and exercises in the NCERT book. You can assess yourself by taking help from the NCERT solutions for class 9 science. Attempt mock test papers and papers from previous years so that you are familiar with the exam pattern and also know where you stand in terms of preparation. Time yourself while writing the paper so that you can know how to manage your time better. 
  • Make a list of all the important formulas and equations. This will help you memorise them better and consolidate them so that they are easy to revise. Keep practising the sums as well.
  • Practice all your diagrams properly before the exam. Draw each and every diagram that is a part of the syllabus and label it in complete detail as practice. Draw each diagram 2-3 times so that you have enough practice and do not make any mistakes at all. Diagrams are key in science and can help you score marks easily. 
  • Get all your concepts right and complete the syllabus well in time so that you can revise properly and not in a hurry. You can go through the notes, diagrams and formulas properly if you have enough time on hand. 

Revision is very important if you want to score maximum marks. So it is important that you have a time schedule that helps you keep track of all the syllabus that you are covering and finish the syllabus well in time. This way you will have enough time to revise before the exam. Do not forget to practice sums and attempt test papers for an added advantage. You will know the kind of questions to expect and be familiar with the exam pattern. 

While attempting the exam it is important that you read through all the questions before you begin attempting them. Do not leave any questions and draw a diagram wherever you think it is needed. Keep track of the time and if you feel you can’t understand a question or need time to think, do not waste time on it. Come back to that question later. At times you lose valuable time trying to think of an answer or form one if you are not confident about it. This might lead you to lose time and maybe not being able to attempt other questions because of a shortage of time.