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Everything You Need to Know About SEO Authority 

The SEO authority term is often misunderstood. If you have any questions about it, keep reading this post. Here, we will try to explain the authority term in a general sense and will look into its key metrics and increase solutions.

What Is It?

There are three levels of authority:

  • For a domain (Domain Authority);
  • For the page (Page Authority);
  • For the link (Link Authority).

Let’s take a look at each level to understand what they mean, how to use them, and how the domain authority checker can help you identify important areas for the site promotion.

Domain Authority

The domain authority term became known when MOZ introduced it as its metric. It is a measure of a domain’s ability to rank. This metric consists of many elements that indicate that a website has a certain level of quality and can be trusted. The most important of these signals is the sum of the authority of all site’s pages. Domain authority is largely based on two factors:

  1. Age  — Older domains with quality content are ranked higher. Search engines will not rank new domains as high as old ones unless the site is transferred from the old to the new domain. New domains must first earn a reputation by generating good content and getting high-quality backlinks.
  2. Popularity  — The most essential factors determining the popularity of an online resource are backlinks and unique linking domains. In other words, the more backlinks and the more quality they are, the better. At the same time, the more domains link to you, the more people will know about you, increasing your popularity.

Domain Authority Checklist

If you want to measure the authority of your domain, answer the following questions:

  • Is the site ranked by high- or mid-frequency requests?
  • How many backlinks do you have? What is their quality?
  • How many unique domains are linking to you?

If your site ranks poorly for popular, highly competitive queries, your link profile is of poor quality, and there is a duplicate without user-selected canonical tag, the problem is most likely due to low domain authority. 

The Solution

How to improve the authority of the domain on the site? Here are a couple of things to take care of:

  • Domain age matters a lot. Therefore, never expect a significant boost in domain authority in a shorter period. Be patient.
  • Improve the SEO structure of your website. Focus on quality content, site structure; create search engine friendly meta tags, use alt tags and keywords correctly. Also check out: content writing service.
  • Create reliable and high-quality backlinks for your website. To increase your site’s authority, you need to have a lot of related content.
  • Get rid of backlink spam and always focus on getting relevant and quality backlinks on your site.
  • Develop strong tactics for building internal links.

Only a complex approach will help you reach great results. So, develop an all-covering strategy instead of following just one recommendation.