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FAQs About Saudi Arabia Umrah Visa

© by Image source: Unsplash

Saudi Arabia is famously known for its minor Hajj, the Umrah. While the Hajj can only be visited at certain times of the year, you can go to Umrah almost whenever you’d like: Muslims choose the Umrah as their travel destination in the period between the start of Safar and by the end of Ramadan.

Find out what are the requirements for a visa to Umrah and plan your next trip accordingly. 

Umrah Visa and the Covid-19 Regulations

During the pandemic in 2020, the Umrah visa was suspended. To the joy of many visitors, in October of the same year, it was reopened for locals Saudis and expats living in Saudi Arabia to visit. Although it was still closed for tourists from other countries.

But on July 25, the Umrah representatives announced that it is back in service for Muslims and pilgrims from across the world from 1st Muharram 1443 (August 10, 2021). If you meet the requirements, you can apply for a Umrah visa through an accredited visa agency. 

Another important note is that only vaccinated visitors are allowed to apply for the Umrah visa. You should present your vaccine certificate along with your application. Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and J&J are accepted; China’s vaccine with a booster shot of any of the medications listed above is good to go too.

How Much Does the Umrah Visa Cost?

A visa to Umrah is usually free, although you should check with your travel agency first for any additional costs. 

Umrah Visa Documents and Photo Requirements

Before you apply for your Saudi Arabia visa to Umrah, you should prepare the following documentation:

  • A valid passport
  • Umrah visa application
  • Vaccination certificate
  • Non-refundable roundtrip ticket with the departure within 2 weeks since the date of entry
  • Birth certificate or an ID
  • A valid residency permit (if you are applying from a country where you are not a legal citizen)
  • Saudi Arabia visa photo
  • A certificate proof the applicant is Mulsim (in case the individual has a non-Muslim name)

To qualify for an Umrah visa, you should follow the strict visa photo requirements:

  • Photo has to be a full-face portrait
  • Photo must be in color, against a white background
  • An individual must have a neutral facial expression facing the camera
  • The picture can’t be older than 6 months upon application

Get your Saudi Arabia visa done online. By trusting a professional online visa photo service you ensure the top quality of your 100% compliant visa image.

Requirements for Female Tourists to Umrah 

If you’re a Muslim woman travelling to Umrah, you should be accompanied by your mahram (a male next of kin, supervisor) or be greeted by one upon arrival. For Muslim women over 45 it is acceptable to travel with a large group of ladies of the same age and older.

Can I Apply on My Own to Get the Umrah Visa?

Applying for a visa to Umrah is only allowed through a specific travel agency that has permission from the Saudi Arabia government. 

The said agent is also responsible for your transportation and stay in Saudi Arabia. 

Can I Stay for a Month in Umrah? 

Overstaying your permitted time period is strictly forbidden. The Umrah visa is issued for 15 days only and you absolutely must leave prior to its expiration date.