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Food Safety Trends to Follow in 2022 

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Safety has always been an important aspect of the food industry, but in 2022 there will be a series of trends that have been created to help safeguard the integrity of food preparation moving forward. 

Some of these changes have been implemented due to the pandemic and the restrictions put in place, but this has meant that there are repercussions in other areas of the business. 

As such, food safety tends to follow in 2022 are going to allow for more productivity without affecting the quality of the product. At present is an online allergy course aimed towards those whose occupations that have involvement in the handling and preparation of food, and comprehensively covers how to prepare food respective of food allergies.

A Pro-Active Approach to Avoiding Food Fraud 

During the pandemic, there were instances where food was not reaching the shelves due to restrictions. This meant that there were instances when unscrupulous food vendors were offering inferior products to meet the demand. 

Although the restrictions have eased, those working in food production will want to ensure that food fraud is avoided. 

A proactive approach to food fraud ensures that the bottom line of a business is not affected while ensuring the public is given access to high-quality goods prepared in a hygienic environment. 

This can be achieved by reviewing the business infrastructure to ascertain where improvements can be made. Knowing where a system is failing ensures that a fix can be put in place sooner rather than later. 

Revamp of Health and Safety Regulations 

Another trend that has followed the pandemic is a review of health and safety regulations. During the pandemic, businesses had to find new ways of working, and this will continue in 2022. 

As well as ensuring food preparation areas are clean and hygienic, businesses will want to avoid the closure of businesses to implement changes.

Many businesses in the food production industry will become more proactive in reviewing health and safety regulations regularly and ensure that more preparation is carried out to further advance the regulations in place. 

Some businesses may need to tweak current health and safety regulations whereas others may need a complete overhaul. In either instance, health and safety will be at the forefront of the food production industry during 2022. 

More Focus on Automated Processes 

The increased focus on health and safety means that more time is being spent on reviewing and implementing these changes. The introduction of automated processes helps ensure that there is not an overwhelming number of employees on the floor at any given time. 

The introduction of automated processes allows for simple tasks to be completed quickly and frees up time for employees to focus on other demands of the business. 

Automated processes can also help maintain other areas of the business. For example, those needing to keep the area sterilized at all times may consider an automatic process rather than using up talent that could be used effectively elsewhere. 

The Creation of Robust HACCP Plans 

Although the role of businesses in the food production industry will be focusing on the many changes implemented due to the pandemic, they will also need to focus on the daily aspects of cleanliness and hygiene. 

Hazard Analysis and Critical Controls Points, abbreviated to HACCP is a system focused on hazard prevention, and is a recognized method for managing food safety.

There can be several roles that need to be undertaken to ensure that the system is effective, so a HACCP plan is a must. 

If you are still unsure of how the HACCP system can help improve the operations of food production, then why not peruse the free and fillable HACCP plan templates available. 

The trend listed can mean changes for a business but does highlight how resilient the food industry is, and how flexible it can be even during challenging times.