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Food Service Manager’s Duties and Responsibilities

Welcome to the new normal. In the post-Covid world, the duties and responsibilities of a food service manager have also undergone a drastic change. Besides the basic responsibilities such as managing the employees and supervising the overall presentation of food, let’ check the expectations from a food service manager in the new normal.

Duties of a food service manager in the post-Covid world

Ensure sufficient space between seating – 

As per the Standard Operating Procedure released by The National Restaurant Association of india (NRAI) for restaurants there should be a gap of 2 metres between tables.  Also, the temperature of the air conditioner should be set between 24-30 degrees to enable intake of fresh air. In addition, the food service manager also needs to ensure that employees are following the Covid-19 protocol, such as wearing masks, washing their hands frequently using soap and water etc.

Provide a contactless dining environment – 

Customers no longer want to take a chance by visiting crowded restaurants or standing in long queues. As per the report by Restaurant India, 80% of the restaurant customers give more importance to hygiene and safety over price. Hence, the food service manager need to ensure that customers are provided with a contact less dining environment.

Make use of technology – 

With India’s leading digital, cloud based restaurant management software such as Inresto POS, now diners can book the restaurant tables in advance. On arriving at the restaurant, they can order food using a digital menu. 

There is literally no need to touch the paper menu used by multiple people. Just by scanning a QR code on smartphones, they can order food. When it’s time to pay the bill, they can use digital payment platforms such as Google Pay or Paytm. In short, by implementing a restaurant management software, food service managers can offer diners an absolutely safe, no-contact dining environment.  

Parting Words

With the increasing expectations of restaurant customers, the duties of food service managers have also changed. However, a modern day restaurant management software has made their job pretty easy. Now customers can enjoy their food in a relaxed, contactless dining environment.