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Frequently Asked Questions About Arctic Bearz NFT

If you love polar bears and want to ensure that they don’t become extinct, you can invest in Arctic Bearz NFT. This NFT will contribute 5% of its total minting amount to the WWF so that the organization can help endangered animals like polar bears. You may have a few questions regarding the NFT and how it will work. Here are some of the most common questions that may cross your mind before you decide to invest in Arctic Bearz:

Q: What is the cost of the Arctic Bearz NFT?

A: The Arctic Bearz NFT will sell in three phases: early-bird pre-sale, pre-sale, and public launch. The whitelist and pre-sale price of the NFTs is 0.075 ETH. You can mint a maximum of 4 Arctic Bearz in the pre-sale and whitelist period. Once the NFT goes live for the public launch, it will cost 0.095 ETH. In this case also, you can mint a maximum of 4 Arctic Bearz. One advantage of investing in this NFT is that you don’t need to pay gas fees since it works on the Immutable X platform. It’s a layer-2 solution that doesn’t require investors to pay gas fees.

Q: Can I make profits by selling Arctic Bearz NFTs?

A: Yes, you can. The future prices of the NFT will depend on the performance of ETH. You should keep an eye on the price of ETH from time to time if you want to sell the Arctic Bearz NFTs. But remember, you may lose out on various perks from the company if you don’t hold on to your NFT. The founders have plans to expand the community and reward long-term holders. If you can sacrifice those rewards, you can sell the NFTs if the price of ETH goes up.

Q: Will there be rare NFTs in Arctic Bearz?

A: Yes. Unlike most NFTs, Arctic Bearz will also have different types of rarities. Each NFT will have as many as 6 traits. Each trait will have a different level of rarity, starting from common to legendary. However, there will only be 8 legendary NFTs. If you are one of those who hold a legendary Arctic Bearz NFT, you may win many prizes and rewards later. Therefore, make sure you hold your token until the time the founders announce rewards for legendary token holders.

Q: Does Arctic Bearz have social media profiles?

A: Yes, you can connect or follow the social media profiles of Arctic Bearz. They are available on YouTube, Instagram, Twitch, and Twitter. You can even register to its Discord to get the latest updates and news about upcoming launches.

Q: What is the most compatible wallet to purchase Arctic Bearz?

A: If you don’t already have a wallet, you should register on MetaMask. It is one of the easiest-to-use wallets that you can connect to your crypto account. Make sure you transfer your ETH to this wallet before purchasing Arctic Bearz NFTs.

The presale will soon go live. Wait for the founders to provide a launch date on the social media handles before you make a move.