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Grandparents’ Custody Rights: When to Hire a Family Law Solicitor?

In Australia, the connection between grandparents and their grandchildren is very important. Grandparents often play a big role in raising their grandchildren and supporting them through tough times. 

However, when families go through a divorce, separation, or other conflicts, this special bond can be at risk.

Grandparents might start to worry about their rights and whether they can still stay close to their grandchildren. Thankfully, Australian law understands how valuable these relationships are and provides ways to protect them. 

This article will explain grandparents’ rights in Australia, the legal steps they can take, and how a Family Law Solicitor can help them maintain their connection with their grandchildren.

What Rights Do Grandparents Have?

The Family Law Act 1975 recognises how important grandparents are. Section 60B of the Act says that children have the right to keep a relationship with their grandparents as long as it is in the child’s best interests. 

This means that while grandparents aren’t given automatic rights, they can still apply for orders, such as visiting their grandchildren (contact orders) or even gaining custody (residence orders). But the main focus is always on what’s best for the child. 

You can search for “family solicitors near me” to find a lawyer who’ll help you understand your rights as grandparents. 

When deciding what’s best for the child, the court looks at several factors, including:

  • The relationship between the child and their grandparents: The court will look at how close the child is to their grandparents and the support they receive.
  • The child’s wishes: Depending on their current age and maturity, the court may consider what the child wants.
  • The impact on the child: The court will think about how losing contact with their grandparents might affect the child.
  • The parents’ involvement: The court will also consider how the parents feel about the grandparents’ involvement.
  • Safety concerns: If there are any worries about the child’s safety with or without their grandparents, the court will take these very seriously.

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When Can Grandparents Apply for Legal Rights?

Grandparents can go to the Family Court to apply for orders regarding their grandchildren in several situations. Knowing when and how to apply can help ensure the best outcome for both the grandparents and the child.

Divorce or Separation

When parents divorce or separate, the child’s living arrangements often change. If grandparents are worried about losing contact with their grandchildren, they hire a family law solicitor and apply for visitation rights. 

In some cases, they might even seek custody if they believe it’s in the child’s best interests, especially if the parents are considered unfit.

Parental Death

If one or both parents pass away, grandparents may want to step in to provide stability for the child. In these situations, they can apply for custody or more visitation rights to keep the child’s life steady. 

If parental death also affects certain business relationships, then you need to involve a business lawyer Sydney

Parental Unfitness

If grandparents think the parents can’t care for the child properly due to issues like substance abuse or neglect, they can apply for custody. But they’ll need strong evidence to show the parents are unfit, and again, the child’s best interests will be the main concern.

Denial of Access

If grandparents are being kept away from their grandchildren without a good reason, they have the right to apply for a court order with the help of a child custody lawyer. 

The court will look at why access is being denied and decide if allowing contact is in the child’s best interests. 

Family Conflicts

Sometimes, family arguments can cause problems between grandparents and parents, leading to restricted access to the grandchildren. In these cases, grandparents can seek help from the court to restore their relationship with their grandchildren.

Family conflicts might also arise for family-related businesses. In such cases, you might need to hire a legal expert with expertise in family law and Commercial Law

How Can a Family Law Solicitor Help?

Dealing with family law issues can be confusing and stressful, especially when children are involved. A family law solicitor can be a huge help in guiding grandparents through the legal process, making sure their rights are protected, and presenting their case effectively.

Legal Advice and Strategy

A family law solicitor will give expert advice on the best legal options based on the grandparents’ situation. 

They’ll help grandparents understand their rights, the chances of success, and the best steps to take. This might include suggesting mediation, applying for a court order, or exploring other options.

Mediation Support

Courts often suggest or require mediation before going to a full hearing. Mediation lets everyone involved talk and try to reach an agreement without a long court battle. 

A child custody lawyer can represent grandparents during mediation, helping them communicate their wishes clearly and work toward a solution that works for everyone.

Court Representation

This process is similar to business disputes. If mediation doesn’t work, the case might go to court. 

Just like a Commercial Lawyer Australia, a family lawyer will represent the grandparents in court, presenting evidence, questioning witnesses, and making legal arguments on their behalf. They’ll make sure the grandparents’ case is strong and focused on the child’s best interests.

Evidence Collection

In cases where grandparents are seeking custody or need to prove the parents are unfit, collecting evidence is crucial. 

A family law solicitor can help gather crucial documents, such as medical or police reports, to support the grandparents’ claims.

Drafting Legal Documents

Applying for legal rights involves submitting various documents to the court, such as affidavits and applications for parenting orders. A family law solicitor will make sure all documents are correctly drafted, filed on time, and meet court requirements.

Enforcement of Court Orders

Once a court order is made, a family law solicitor can help ensure it is followed. If the parents don’t comply, the solicitor can take further legal steps to uphold the grandparents’ rights.


Grandparents play a pivotal role in their grandchildren’s lives, offering love, support, and stability, especially during difficult times. 

In Australia, while grandparents don’t have automatic rights to see their grandchildren, the law recognises how important these relationships are when they’re in the child’s best interests.

For grandparents facing tough situations, understanding their rights and the legal options available is the initial step in preserving their bond with their grandchildren. 

You can find a legal expert for such family-related issues by searching for “family solicitors near me”. Working with a family law solicitor can make a big difference in achieving the best outcome for everyone involved.