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Great Ways to Create a Backup for iPhone Photos

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All Backlight Blog readers know that creating a backup for anything on your phone is extremely important. You never know when your device might get damaged, the OS might start bringing errors, and all of that can lead to severe issues. You might even lose your photos if there’s no backup. That’s why it’s a good idea to create a backup for your photos and here are some of the top ways to do it.

Using iCloud

iCloud is maybe the go-to method because you just go to the Photo app’s settings and choose to automatically sync your images to iCloud. There is a caveat here, because if you delete a photo from your device and the sync feature is active, the image will be deleted from iCloud. To prevent that, you can start the sync process, ensure everything is finished and then disable iCloud syncing.

Try a file sharing/syncing service

There are services like OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox where you can store your content online, for a fee. Sure, they do have a free option, but if you have lots of photos, you may have to use a third party service. That’s why it’s a great idea to try one of these services for free and see which one fits your needs. Then you can start uploading your images there and thus have a backup if needed.

Back up to an USB stick / DVD

Manual backups like these can also come in handy. Creating a backup to a DVD or an USB stick is always great. Not only do these have lots of space, but you can store them safely within your home and access those files when necessary. The downside here is that such devices might have limited shelf life, and at some point they might not work properly. Storage conditions matter, because humidity is problematic for any USB stick or DVD.

Keep them on another computer

If you have multiple computers and one of them is not used often, you can try to create a backup on that device. That’s a great idea because you can make the most out of all devices, even if you don’t really use some of them often. You can also keep your images on your tablet, or any other device too. After all, creating more than one backup is always going to help, and it delivers an exceptional result.

It’s always a great idea to create a backup and ensure that your data is safeguarded. After all, you never know what issues can arise, so having a way to keep your data safe is always going to bring a peace of mind. Creating regular backups removes frustration and challenges, and you will have a good idea of where you can find your images too. It’s also valid for a variety of other file types too. If you have crucial/important data, don’t just leave it on your device without a backup. A proper backup will help ensure access to it in the long run, even if you delete or misuse the data by mistake!