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Heatmap is an Underrated Internal Optimization Tool

Web heatmap is a tool for measuring and displaying statistics on clicks on your site, which evaluates the effectiveness of the resource and its individual parts. In simple terms, a heat map shows the activity of users on the page, and which parts of the resource are of more interest to visitors.

Many site owners and web developers, when designing a resource, organizing its structure, or adding any elements, are guided by their own opinion, believing that site visitors will see everything through their eyes and act according to their plan. But often this opinion turns out to be erroneous, and the mistakes made interfere with the conversion, respectively, everything does not go as we would like.

For this, specially designed tools have been used for many years that allow you to look at the site through the eyes of visitors, study statistics, and their behavior on the resource. One of these very important tools for site analysis is heat maps.

Surely many of you already know firsthand what it is, but, as they say, repetition is the mother of learning. And for those who do not know – this article will be a real discovery, after which you will begin to analyze your resource with interest.

The promotion of a website or resource on the Internet requires a serious approach. Analytics and analysis play an important role in this process. To evaluate popular pages and parts of the site, there is a special heat map. This map is also called a click map because the data is displayed as areas that users click on.

Heatmap Features  

There are many benefits to using and analyzing data with a heat map or user sessions recording. The advantages of using such a mechanism include such factors:

  • A thorough and comprehensive analysis of the activity of site visitors. You can easily see which pages and parts of the page people are interested in. The information is available in a simple and understandable way.
  • You can easily identify uninteresting content and remove it, making the resource in demand for users.
  • It is a good tool for analyzing the effectiveness of introducing new applications and page parts.
  • The information provided is presented in an accessible and convenient way, so it is easy to understand the information received.

Considering these factors and advantages, we can safely say that this is an effective way to analyze users, their preferences, and interests. If you rationally use this information, you can do a better job of promoting the site.

And there are many more such examples, but the task of any heat map is to help make a quick analysis with the help of color differences. The same is true for websites: heat maps play a very significant role, allowing for a qualitative analysis of user behavior.

After studying heat maps, you will not only be able to understand which elements or areas on the site are more viewed/clickable, but also conclude what needs to be fixed, swapped, where it is better to add a button with a call to action, and were to remove an advertising banner. But more on that later. For now, I propose to figure out what parameters can be viewed using heat maps and how to correctly interpret the service reports.


A tool such as a heat map is very important when promoting a website, it helps to see many things that can improve the usability of your website, influence user behavior, and increase conversions. If you have not yet started using heatmaps in your work, then I think this article will encourage you, at least out of interest, to see if everything on your site is arranged the way you imagined.