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High Potency CBD Oil: How to Identify the Most Potent CBD Oil

CBD oil products are available as full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or CBD isolate. Furthermore, these products come in different strengths and potency options. Today, we will look at how to identify the most potent CBD oil for your needs. 

You probably want a product for pain relief, inflammation, sleep problems, or other conditions. So, you should choose one that improves your health and makes a noticeable difference. 

Read on to learn about high-strength CBD oils, how to identify them, and what makes CBD strong. We will also discuss the pros and cons of using highly potent products and how to make the best purchase.

What is High Potency CBD Oil?

When shopping for CBD products, you will notice they are available in multiple potencies. You can, for example, Buy CBD gummies UK for everything from insomnia and anxiety to pain and inflammation. You will need less CBD oil to produce the desired effect. If you’re new to the CBD world and have questions, before purchasing any products it will be beneficial to do some research to have a better idea of CBD itself.

So, what do we consider as a high potency CBD oil? 

First, there’s no one definition of a strong or potent CBD. Brands classify high potency using different metrics. A high potency CBD oil should be at least 50 milligrams (mg) of CBD per 1 milliliter (mL) serving. 

However, keep in mind that people’s systems respond differently to CBD. So, what feels strong to another person may not be strong for you.

How to Identify the Strongest CBD Oil

If you’re wondering how to determine the strength of CBD oil, several figures can help you. First, take a look at the concentration of CBD in the products. The concentration refers to the amount of CBD present in the bottle. It’s expressed in milligrams. 

After that, check the amount of CBD present per serving of the oil. This is also in milligrams and refers to the number of milligrams of CBD you get for each serving. Keep in mind that this figure will always be smaller than the potency of the whole product. 

Here’s a quick way to calculate how much CBD is in each serving of your oil. Say you have a 1200mg CBD product with 30 servings per bottle. You need to divide the total amount of CBD by the number of servings. And you’ll get the serving size, which is 40 mg/mL in this case. 

The essential factor that will help you identify the strongest CBD oil is the serving size. So, always pay attention to that. The total amount of CBD in the bottle doesn’t tell you anything about the strength. For instance, product A contains 1200mg of CBD oil in a 30 ml bottle, while B contains 2500mg of CBD in a 100 mL bottle. The 1200mg CBD in a 30 mL container will be stronger.

Why does the Potency of CBD Oil Matter?

The potency of CBD oil is a vital factor to consider when choosing a CBD product. And that’s because the stronger the CBD oil, the more powerful your dose. Also, you will need less CBD oil to produce the desired effect.

In the long run, you will save money since you only need less product to achieve results. You need to use the strongest CBD oil available. However, choosing a high potency product is a great idea, especially if you use CBD long-term.

Also, you will need less CBD oil to produce the desired effect. If you’re new to the CBD world and have questions, before purchasing any products it will be beneficial to do some research to have a better idea of CBD itself. Also, looking into the variety of products like water soluble CBD from Promise Drops (and other sites), CBD creams, and CBD sprays can help with making your decision easier when you’re ready to purchase.

What Dosage Makes CBD Oil Strong?

What counts as a strong CBD dosage depends on the user. Everyone is different, so people will need different doses of CBD to improve their wellness. 

Several individual factors influence what amount of CBD oil is strong for each person. These factors include the severity of the condition, age, metabolism, and body weight. For instance, a fully grown individual will require more CBD oil to manage their symptoms than a child. Similarly, a heavier-weight person will need more CBD oil than someone lightweight. 

There are different theories on what is considered strong CBD oil or not. Generally, it’s believed that a high potency CBD oil should have over 30mg CBD per serving. As stated earlier, institutions like Healthline consider strong CBD oils to be at least 50mg CBD per 1ml serving.

We have high potency CBD oils that may reach 83.3 mg per 1 mL serving. High doses like these are best suited for larger people and chronic health problems.

If you’re a first-time CBD user, it’s ideal you go with common concentrations. Some of the common potency options are 250 mg, 500 mg, or 750mg of CBD per bottle. You may gradually work your way up to stronger CBD oils from there.

The Pros and Cons of Using High-Strength CBD Oils

There are many advantages, as well as disadvantages, of choosing the strongest CBD oil products. Let’s go over some of them. 

The pros of using a high potency CBD oil include: 

  • You’ll need less of the CBD oil to experience desired effects
  • High potency CBD oils are usually cost-effective, especially if you’re thinking long term
  • Depending on your needs, it’s easy to scale your dosage up or down
  • Larger CBD doses are preferred in certain situations, such as larger individuals and those with severe ailments 

The cons are:

  • High potency CBD products may not be the best option for first time CBD users 
  • Dosing high potency CBD oils requires carefulness 
  • There’s a higher risk of experiencing side effects. 

Some of the side effects users may experience with strong CBD products include:

  • Dry mouth 
  • Changes in appetite 
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue 
  • Changes in weight 

Where to Buy the Strongest CBD Oil 

You can buy strongest CBD oil products from the manufacturer’s website or verified online stores. Purchasing strongest CBD oil online gives you the option of comparing brands and reading reviews. You have access to multiple brands’ products, so you can see one of the strongest options available.

Another option is to buy CBD oils from local stores. There are numerous shops that offer CBD products. However, when you walk into a store, you may discover your options are limited compared to online offers. 

You can avoid buying a mislabelled product by looking for products that have updated COA from third-party labs. COA refers to the Certificate of Analysis. 

Once you see the product’s COA, go ahead to review it before making a purchase. You want to make sure the amount of CBD and THC in the report matches what the brand advertises. 

Also, keep an eye out for contaminants testing. The test results show if the product is free of pesticides, molds, heavy metals, and toxins. Furthermore, it’s good practice to patronize transparent CBD brands. The company should release information on its hemp source and manufacturing practices. 

Final Thoughts

There is no one definition of strong CBD oil. However, the consensus is high potency CBD oils contain at least 30 – 50 mg CBD per 1 mL serving. This includes strengths like 1200 mg, 2000 mg, and up in standard bottle sizes.

If you’re getting started on your CBD journey, you don’t need to use high potencies yet. You can check the brand’s regular strengths like 500mg and monitor how you feel. Then, you can increase the dose and frequency over time to achieve the desired result. 

Lastly, there’s an ever-growing number of CBD brands and products out there. Only purchase CBD from top-quality and reputable companies.