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How a Workation Policy Could Increase Employee Retention

It’s no secret that the job market is competitive right now. There are abundant opportunities and companies giving out all kinds of different benefits outside the norm to entice great people to them. Smoothie bars, flexible hours, take your pet to work days … there are plenty of ideas out there. 

With a looming recession, this may change in the near future, but for now, coming up with a few key benefits of your own might be the key to keeping your best employees engaged. One benefit to consider is a workation policy. 

Workation Policy

A workation allows your employees the chance to visit other countries and experience beautiful cultures, while still working their full allotted hours. It also gives them a chance to mix business and pleasure without having to use any banked vacation days. 

What’s the incentive for you as the employer? It’s proven that they: 

  • Increase productivity
  • Increase creativity
  • Encourage motivation
  • Promotes teamwork 

When you’re sharing your new policy with the team, make sure you offer Next Vacy’s top 10 list of the best workation destinations. These places have great WiFi and lots of cafes or coworking spaces so they can keep in touch with the office when they need to. 

Share some of the tips for challenges they may face or planning prep below, to help set them up!