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How Can AI-Fueled MES Software Optimize Manufacturing Processes?

With the help of sophisticated MES software, manufacturing companies can streamline their processes and bring their effectiveness to the next level. In this article, we point out its most revolutionizing applications.

The manufacturing sector has been undergoing a significant digital transformation in recent years. With the advanced systems, a large part of the processes becomes automatized, increasing the manufacturing unit’s productivity and thus, generating income.

But that’s only one piece of the puzzle – a system fuelled with modern technologies can do far more than that. Let’s take a look at its most revolutionizing functionalities that incorporate artificial intelligence.

#1 Defects detection on the assembly line

Machine learning algorithms implemented in the MES software can facilitate that with their pattern-identification abilities. That’s particularly useful in chemical manufacturing since it relies on complex formulas involving hundreds of ingredients. By monitoring the real-time processes, they can detect issues or defects in machinery before the entire batch gets contaminated.

This way, the manufacturing company prevents quality, legal and security issues, but also costly downtimes. The MES software can also register the reasons for unplanned downtimes. That facilitates the prevention in the future.

#2 Quality and security control with computer vision

With computer vision, which is a branch of artificial intelligence, manufacturing companies can pre-evaluate the quality of the manufactured goods without engaging the quality managers. How does it work? The camera registers the image of the product, and the interpreting device evaluates in terms of patterns detected by a trained ML algorithm. The data on the defects and the quality of the produced goods can later serve for the purposes of innovation.

With computer vision, the companies can also control the security standards in the factory, detecting unusual patterns and issuing alerts on this basis. The systems can also trigger automatic reactions to prevent the issue from escalating.

#3 Reports generation and advanced analytics

Data analytics is essential for streamlining manufacturing processes, and advanced MES systems make it much easier to draw conclusions and see the big picture. All data regarding the manufacturing processes are processed and stored in them – when needed, you can extract the information that interests you at the moment in an already organized, classified form.