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How Can I Track My Lost Dog?

Has your dog just got lost? Did he run away, and you couldn’t grab him by the leash? We know that losing a beloved pet is the worst feeling you can feel. You feel like your world is falling apart, and you are desperate to find it. Don’t worry, in this article, we bring the perfect solution for you to avoid any accidents. 

Losing our faithful friend is a stake that is driven into the heart, and we understand that in these moments, you will be looking for a way to solve this great problem. For this reason, we will talk to you about the five best tools so that you can find your lost dog and do not have to worry more if your partner runs too much or sneaks out of your house. You can also create lasting memories if you paint your pet; i.e. add color to his or her beloved photos and reward your pet with fun dog toys.

  • Petpace Collar

It is one thing to see the direction your dog is headed and quite another to know the state in which it is. We will not be sure if you are hurt or scared while you are alone. With this device, you will be able to: check their temperature, verify if they have any abnormalities, monitor their pulse, and analyze their breathing. Once you know the state in which your pet is, you will be more confident and calm when you find it and then take it to your veterinarian for the corresponding examinations.

  • Pawscout Pet Finder Pet Finder

This tool doesn’t just work to track your animal. PawscoutPetFinder is a great community of dog guardians that can give you many ideas of where you can find your dog if he escapes. The application Dogtra allows you to: find the last known location of your pet, track the movements of your dog, and send various digital flyers to your contacts with the title “Lost Dog.” In the same way, it keeps you connected with your pet through radio-type tracking use to focus on its location. Also, you have the advantage that you will not feel alone because you will have several people supporting you to find it.

  • Nuzzle

Whether your dog is playing, resting, or walking, the Nuzzle collar comes included with GPS and Bluetooth to keep your dog under great surveillance. This device can allow you to: follow the health and activity of your dog, see what it does, find it if it is loose. Best of all, you don’t let your pet lose style, as you can attach the collar with a cute accessory.

  • Whistle Pet GPS Tracker

These GPS dog containment systems can monitor your pet’s location and update it through your Smartphone. This way, if your dog escapes, the app will instantly alert you. Through this same application, you can: control the general health of your animal, customize the “whistling zone” of your pet, track the same via GPS. The Whistle Pet collar has the advantage of being waterproof and withstanding the rough lifestyle of active dogs.

  • Next door pet directory

This is one of the most amazing and simple concepts you can find. Neighbors upload any number of photos of their pets, so everyone is aware of their companions. These include quirks like the owner’s contact information and fun facts about their animals for everyone else to know. If the unthinkable happens, you can quickly notify those close to you about the situation by logging into your account.