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How Chatbots are Expected to Provide a New Dimension to Your Business

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The concept of chatbots has been on the rise in the last few years and has received a high rate of adoption. It provides an ideal opportunity for a business to interact with the outside world and customers cash in on the power of message apps. This tends to align with the emerging technologies and prominent among them is a chatbot app. It is going to have a conversation with you pretty much like a real person. The inception of this technology was in the year 1950 and of late has climbed the popularity charts. Let us now try to figure out the fact on how it will benefit a business

Align with the current trends

As per business insider, a message application would be reaching more number of social media users by 2015. Close to 65 % of the users do not download any app in a month. Some of them work out to be popular and they do not look for a new one. If you are able to integrate your own chatbot with a popular platform which the customers are using daily then building a new app is going to save a lot of money and time.

Quality customer service

As per survey reports nearly 83 % of online shoppers need support during online shopping. So a customer would be able to understand which product would suit them as per their budget. The shoppers could struggle with navigation issues when they are on your website and require support. Some of the areas include, registration , delivery or product centric information.

Now in such cases a chat bot would be providing assistance like a real person in the store. Most of them provide an interactive communication where you ask questions and find answers to the real questions. It is not only about text but they provide the customers with interactive visual of images, or video responses through the journey.

Customer support is one area that is available and vital for success. Be it a local or an international customer, a quality customer support is vital for the success. The process of customer support can be improved with the help of chatbots. Their programming can be done in such a way where it would provide answers to repetitive questions and goes on to assist important cases and not the simple ones. An organization may handle a lot of tasks so that the machine does not have to wait. It means a company could scale up operations at a global level as they do not have to handle incoming requests.

Customer interaction occurs in a proactive manner

Generally with companies you may hear the term proactive customer interaction. It means they would be only responding to customers when they are starting a conversation and would not be starting the communication. Most of the organizations would not have the power to start off an conversation. It makes sure that the company is one step way ahead.

An increase in customer engagement

It is important for a customer to be engaged with the brand. Any company which would be engaging with customers on social media which increases customer spending by 40 %. A social media does its job as it would be done with a great sense of humour. With a conventional customer service it is going to provide more information than it would be receiving from the user. A chatbot is not going to bore the customers with irrelevant information as the content flows by engaging with the customer.

Monitoring of customer data and you would gain vital insights

Time and time again a major fact is chatbots is a viable way to communicate with customers. The feedback which is obtained as you can make improvements in the products and services and even go on to optimize your services or products. It is going to generate a massive amount of incoming traffic as it gives an idea to the customers on how to reach the webpage.

With chatbots it may strive to work towards customer behavior and purchasing patterns when you are monitoring user data. This is going to give you an idea which are the products they need to be marketing differently and which one they would have to re-launch. A company would be able to track the users with the responses of the language.

To conclude if you happen to be an international brand with customers worldwide a chatbot could solve all your queries and that too in multiple languages. It is going to allow a business to scale up multiple areas where you do not have to worry about incoming requests.

A chatbot works out to be an automated solution or hiring a new task.