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How Does Salesforce Help You Earn More?

Process automation makes business more efficient, vendors and developers declare. What about in practice? What tools help you earn more, improve service and financial results?

Expanding the sales funnel, the ability to “hear” the client, planning the work of a manager – many modern automation systems solve these and other tasks. To control the results, Salesforce constantly polls its users, analyses their experience. The conclusions drawn help companies that are thinking about improving processes to avoid mistakes and find answers to important questions.

And in order to improve their business, many are looking for a solution on the site, where experts are ready to help improve business performance.

Why is it important to automate processes?

As you know, instead of fully “working out” all new customers, sales managers often concentrate on customers who are personally pleasing to them. As interlocutors, friends.

That is why it is important that the stages of interaction with the client are automated as much as possible. This allows you to expand the sales funnel: increase the number of actions at each stage of working with clients, and without the participation of managers. As a result, the conversion improves, the number of sales to existing customers increases, not to mention new ones.

How do automation solutions help increase revenue?

  • Simple systematization of tasks. Salesforce allows you to automatically prioritize the work of managers: generate commercial offers, send them by e-mail at the right time or at a specified frequency. This compensates for the insufficiently systematic work of sellers;
  • “persecution” without the participation of the seller. This mechanism alone significantly increases the efficiency of the sales team and saves time. It works like this: all user actions are analyzed, and the system segments them, depending on the behavior or requests.

Salesforce, like many other modern systems, also uses a scoring mechanism. Roughly speaking, software algorithms keep track of what products the user clicks on, what pages he visits, how much time he spends on them. To the seller – for live communication and interaction – the client is transferred only if the system determines that this is a prospective client.

As a result, managers work more efficiently – they can handle a larger number of clients, and already “verified”.

How else can the system help?

Many tend to forget where and from whom we buy. Because of this, a huge number of transactions will not continue. Therefore, the automation system can be easily configured to send a reminder, a new offer to the client in time. Do not miss the moment when he may need something from the company again.

Especially if the sales cycle is extended in time. Often such buyers thank for the reminder – for example, when it comes to servicing equipment, cars. If the client was satisfied, he will not only be loyal to the company – he can recommend new clients to it. By the way, this is another trend – in B2B sales, more and more people trust the recommendations of friends and colleagues.

For any business, it is important that all the information that the client requires is available from anywhere and from any medium. In some companies, this is very difficult to set up.

Salesforce, as a cloud system, solves this problem. The system has huge opportunities for collecting and integrating information from all departments of the company in real time. As a result, the employee receives already processed reports in a form convenient for him and, which is very important, on any device – laptop, smartphone, tablet.

For example, sales statistics or customer information available from open sources. Salesforce allows you to do all this automatically, without spending the manager’s time collecting and analysing information.