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How Hotels Are Using Technology to Improve The Guest Experience

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The competition in the hotel industry is incredibly out of this world. Different brands always strive to be ahead of the game. More often, they try to lure business travelers who seek the home feeling when on the road. Family travelers on vacations are also not left behind, and the hotels present crazy offers to attract their potential customers.

The big cities and the mid-size towns today also harbor world-class hotels making their large rival chains compete for space. With this stiff competition, hotels’ only difference is in the guest experience.

Hotels now provide beds and breakfast; the small boutique also does that. Some even have Airbnbs to improve customer experience. Thankfully, technological tools are what distinguishes the small and big fish in the hotel industry. Here are the innovative ways hotels are using to improve the guest experience.

Video Walls Update

Large chain hotels have incorporated the use of video walls in their operations. Guests get the best experience by being given updates on weather, traffic, important activities happening within the hotel surrounding or town, and many more.

They relay this information via digital video walls in elevators, common rooms, and other social areas. Mainly, the information helps the guests plan their activities and make changes if the weather won’t be favorable to them.

Besides, some hotels use the video walls creatively to announce new meals and offer discounts on the menu. When a guest arrives, they are taken through the restaurant menu to acquaint themselves with the available delicacies. In case they don’t understand or want special meals, they can raise a query and find a solution at the reception.

Hotel Wifi Solutions

While some hotels charge their guests on wifi usage, veteran hoteliers offer free hotel wifi solutions. A hotel preference study indicates that the number one factor guests look into is free wifi instead of a hotel’s location.

Business guests argue that most of them are still at work when on a business trip and require a conducive working environment like the office setup. More of this depends on wifi which should be free, fast, and reliable.

It implies that hotels with reliable wifi to handle conferences or other significant events attract many travelers instead of those offering the standard basic packages. Even if a hotel charges above $150 per night with free, stable wifi, it will attract higher guests compared to the hotels less than that.

Advance in Check-In Process

While other key industries like airlines and car renting have embraced the internet, hospitality seems to be a laggard. Today you can check into an airline, rent a car, and do other essential tasks with your mobile phone.

But, the case is different with the hotels. Most of the leading chains are yet to embrace technology in their daily transactions. Hilton Honors are among the first companies where a guest can check-in through a simple mobile handset tap. The process is easy; a guest checks into a hotel room, similarly to check-in at an airline. Through the website on any user device, a guest ensures he/she enters the correct details then clicks the preferred room to book. And, when they eventually walk into the hotel, they use the smartphone to access the rooms.

There’s no point in checking in at the desk and holding the critical room when you walk into the hotel. The digital check-in system gives most guests a reprieve, and the support is overwhelming from different quarters.

Most of the guests like the power given unto them without waiting on long queues for essential services. Besides, hotel staff is also becoming effective with this technological method. Without the pressure to serve guests individually, front desk staff have more time to attend to customer queries, give recommendations, and provide better services to guests.

Soliciting Guest’s Feedback

With the rapid technological advancements, big hotels are trying everything they could to be relevant in the hospitality industry. Most of the time, guests will be asked about their experiences when exiting the hotel.

This is usually done in simple surveys using the present survey tools. A client can click on the suggestion box or corner, usually stuffed with responses. Modern hotels use their websites, wifi, and apps to ask survey questions and seek customers’ answers. Collecting surveys is now an easier trend than even sending emails to guests after their departure.

Having all the answers, a hotel can track the trend in customer responses. You can prioritize the areas you deem more important and attend to the others too with time. But when a specific topic has negative comments, that’s the area to improve on within the shortest time possible.

Updating Hotel’s Soundscape

When you walk into a new environment, it’s obvious your five senses will be alert. It happens the same with a guest when they walk into a hotel. From the first touch on the hotel’s ground, a guest will feel the air around and consider the smell and tastes greeting them along the way to the room.

To spice up the environment, a hotel operator can boost guests’ auditory experience by making it pleasant. Most hotels go for overhead music matching the customer’s preference. For fast-paced music enthusiasts, the hotel should play them such kinds of music. For soothing sounds fanatics, it’s good to play for the guests to make them relax. To choose the right overhead music, be sensitive to the events held around the hotel, the holiday season, time of the day, and many more to improve the guest experience.

In Conclusion

Improving guest experience involves many aspects that include technological advancements. Every hotel owner can use smart tricks; use video wall updates, offer hotel wifi solutions, advance in the check-in process, solicit guests’ feedback and update the soundscape with the latest happenings.

These are some ways to play with the customers’ five senses to improve the

experience. You can incorporate the most suitable one or all to create a conducive environment that encourages the guests to return.