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How Long Does It Take to Get Abs? Tips to Hasten the Process

“How do I get abs?” is the most often asked question in the gym. Typically, the person is asking, “What exercises should I do to get abs and burn more body fat?” The holy grail for many fitness enthusiasts is having chiseled, muscular abs. They proclaim to the world that you are strong and lean, and that lasagna has no power over you. And they are not easy to attain.

Revealing your abs does not result from a secret combination of abdominal and aerobic exercise. Instead, losing body fat or abdominal fat requires a combination of diet, exercise, and supplements, according to Laguna, M.G., MD.

In this article, we’ll give you tips in each of these areas to help you get started in reducing body fat to  show off your abs faster.

How Long Does It Take to Get Abs for A Skinny Men?

Your current body fat percentage and your attitude to nutrition and exercise determine how long it takes to get six-pack abs. According to Midss’s new release article, fitness is more than just having a healthy body mass index. Nowadays, a lot more emphasis is placed on overall well-being. With images of fitness freaks circulating on various social media platforms, people are striving for a more toned and attractive different body shape.

Aside from muscle building, abs are an important part of this program. Although trained personnel can easily guide beginners, the actual process is grueling and time-consuming. While obese people may engage in such practices to improve their appearance, skinny people may have a complete perspective.

Setting fitness goals and seeking advice are the first steps. If the trainee’s expectations are too high or the goals become too unrealistic over time, he or she may become discouraged. Skinny people can get visible abs in three months based on their current fatigue.

First and foremost, it is critical to understand that a skinny person doesn’t have a leaner physique. Similarly, lean people can be healthy. The fundamental distinction is found in the body’s fat and muscle quotients. This quotient is influenced by a variety of ratios, including basal metabolic rate. To put it another way, skinny people have fewer abdominal muscles and more fat storage.

On the contrary, lean people have little stored fat, but their abdominal muscles are strong. This is also directly related to malnutrition. As a result, underweight people may need to engage in rigorous training for at least six months to see visible ab lines.

Lean people require less time because their muscles are already present – four months is sufficient for this category of bodybuilding. The duration varies according to gender as well. Females must focus more on the upper body, whereas males can get six-pack abs more easily. 

5 Tips to Speed Up Your Six Packs

It’s critical to understand that the only way to get abs is by losing fat all over your body. To illustrate, consider your body fat levels as pond water. The pond can dry up in the right conditions, revealing what’s beneath the surface.

However, it does not occur evenly; the shallow areas always dry before the deep areas. And you have to drain the entire pond to see the bottom.

Similarly, some areas of your body fat burn off faster than others. And your abs are like six small stones in the deepest part of the pond.

The most important thing for the entire pond to dry up is that it stops raining for a while. If this happens, a little sunshine and wind will help the water evaporate faster. Other suggestions to get visible six-pack abs faster include:

1. Make a Small Calorie Deficit

Continuing with the pond analogy, when the amount of water entering the pond is less than the amount leaving, the level falls. The same holds true when you consume fewer calories than you burn. This is known as a calorie deficit. So, it is always important to know how many calories you need to burn to build muscle.

However, you cannot simply stop eating slightly and expect the water level to fall faster. Your body has safeguards in place to prevent you from creating an excessive energy deficit.

2. Consume Healthy Foods

Your eating habits are essential when it comes to losing weight. The foods you eat are also an important aspect of dieting and losing weight. Even if you have a proper calorie deficit, you won’t have much success if you only eat junk food. If you really want to lose belly fat, consider a low-fat dairy (greek yogurt) and check how much fat you are consuming. Also, increase protein intake to achieve your weight loss goals.

3. Take Care of Your Carbohydrates

Cutting carbs is one of the first things that comes to mind when thinking about getting abs and building muscle. While this does help reduce calories, calorie intake, and insulin, it is not necessary to eliminate all carbs.

Carbohydrates can be beneficial before and after workout schedules, for example. The key is to match your carb intake to your activity level. This is known as carb cycling. Always be mindful of your food intake and how many pounds you burn to maintain good body composition. 

4. Resistance Training

It is the most important type of exercise for burning fat and revealing your defined abs. One reason is that it expends a significant amount of calories. Another reason is that lifting weights, and weight training, increases muscle mass, which boosts your metabolism and allows you to lose fat. However, in order to reap this benefit, you must train all of your muscles, not just your abs.

5. Cardio

Cardio exercise, of course, has its place when it comes to losing body fat. This is because cardio burns fat calories more than resistance training.

The best part is that you don’t have to spend hours slogging away on the treadmill. In fact, you can burn a significant amount of body fat loss in as little as 30 minutes. Aim for a heart rate of 70% of your maximum for optimal fat burning to best target body fat percentage.


Nothing beats comparing one’s fitness routine journey with others. Once the abs are in good shape, the emphasis should shift to maintenance. It is true that staying in shape is far more difficult than getting into shape. Trainers advise new fitness enthusiasts to stick to the same rules and regulations for a longer period of time in order to maintain weight consistency with their current body fat levels.

Specific new high-intensity exercises are bound to be added to the routine as time passes. One must be grateful for one’s body and cherish the new development to the fullest extent possible.