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How Marketing Teams Benefit from Online Whiteboard Tools

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Online whiteboards have become increasingly popular in recent years. They grew in popularity even more when people started working from home at the start of the pandemic.

There’s no denying it – online whiteboard tools have plenty of benefits for individuals, as well as different teams within the company. They can be used in project management, product development, marketing, and even HR departments. 

An online whiteboard tool should help your team with brainstorming sessions, leading you towards more creative ideas and more organized projects. But, how do these general benefits translate into marketing departments? Keep reading, as we go through the key benefits marketing teams get from using online whiteboards.

Brainstorming and Idea Creation

Every marketing campaign starts with idea generation, and the easiest way to do these sessions is to have a whole team in the same room in a team collaboration effort and start talking. But, with remote work, getting everyone in the same room is a bumpy ride, so online whiteboard tools are a must-have tool.

You can have everyone jump on a call, while accessing the same board. From there, people can add in their ideas directly to the board, or you can have a dedicated moderator that will be in charge of this part. Different people will come up with different ideas, so you should find a way to categorize them, and once you’re done you should go through all the ideas, discuss them a bit more and see which options are feasible at the moment.

Event Planning

Even though most events, conferences and workshops are now held online – planning them is still an enormous task, and an online whiteboard tool can help you keep all the details in one place.

Besides brainstorming the ideas for the event, you can use the whiteboard to compare venues (using photo features), or compare different presentation tools (if you’re doing an online event). Once you’re set on the basic details about the event, you can also use the whiteboard to create a timeline, and define key results that should be achieved within a specified time period.

Since many people are involved in creation and execution of events, you can easily create organizational charts that could include everyone’s contact info and what they’re in charge of. This way, anyone on your team will know who to reach out to if they’re having an issue.

Email Automation

You probably already have a preferred tool for email marketing and email automation, but you should admit these can be somewhat difficult when it comes to team collaboration. Which is why an online whiteboard tool is perfect for planning an automation campaign.

Since you have an infinite canvas, you can add as many emails and email workflows to your board, edit text, add visuals, make simple changes, and even access historical versions of the document. 

It’s a simple way to have all the emails included in your automation in one place for each team member to see.

Creating Buyer Personas

A good marketing campaign can’t be started without proper buyer personas. Online whiteboard tools make the buyer persona creation process fun. You can add pictures, different notes, stickers, drawings or any other details that can help you really illustrate your ideal customer.

As your product evolves, your personas might evolve too, so it’s always good to have a place where you can just copy-paste the previous version and update it with new findings.

Wrapping Up

There are tons of other examples how an online whiteboard tool can be used within a marketing team, and how it can benefit them. In this article, we focused on those that are our favorites and that you can implement fairly quickly.

So, if you still haven’t had a chance – we recommend that you test out an online whiteboard in your next marketing meeting and see where it leads you.