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How Nxellent Recovered $160k in USDT by Exploiting a Malware Vulnerability – A Technical Guide to Protecting Your Non-Custodial Wallets.

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In 2021, amidst the rise of decentralised finance (DeFi) in Germany, a Lebanese high-net-worth individual became the target of a sophisticated cyber heist. Despite using MetaMask, a well-regarded non-custodial wallet, the individual lost $160,000 in USDT due to phishing and a malicious smart contract. Gabe NXE, founder of Nxellent group ​​ and cybersecurity expert who recovered the stolen funds reveals the technical intricacies of blockchain security and offers valuable lessons on protecting digital assets.

  1. Understanding the Heist: A Technical Overview

The heist began with a phishing attack. Cybercriminals created a fake website mimicking a legitimate DeFi service and tricked the victim into interacting with it. The victim unknowingly authorised a malicious smart contract through their MetaMask wallet, granting the attackers unlimited access to their USDT balance. The criminals then swiftly transferred $160k in USDT into a series of anonymous wallets.

Key Elements of the Heist:

– Phishing Attack: The attackers used a convincing fake website to lure the victim into authorising a transaction.

– Malicious Smart Contract: The victim’s MetaMask wallet was exploited to approve a transaction that granted the attackers control over their USDT.

Fund Dispersal: The stolen funds were quickly split and distributed across multiple wallets to obfuscate the trail.

  1. Investigation: Identifying the Vulnerability

Gabe NXE was contacted by the victim to investigate the incident. Using his expertise in blockchain forensics, Gabe and his team began by analysing the transaction history on Etherscan, focusing on the malicious smart contract that facilitated the theft.

Steps Nxellent Took:

Transaction Analysis: Nxellent tracked the flow of funds and identified the smart contract responsible for the theft.

– Smart Contract Decompilation: They used tools like Remix and Solidity IDE to decompile the contract’s bytecode, revealing the logic and functions embedded in the contract.

Identifying the Flaw:  Gabe discovered a specific vulnerability in the contract’s code—a flaw in how it handled state transitions and balance updates. This vulnerability could be exploited to trigger an unintended refund to the original wallet.

  1. Exploiting the Vulnerability: How the Recovery Was Executed

Nxellent crafted a script designed to exploit the identified flaw in the smart contract. Rather than reversing the original transaction, which is impossible on the blockchain, Gabel’s script triggered the contract to initiate a new transaction that sent the stolen USDT back to the victim’s wallet.

Technical Breakdown of the Recovery:

– Crafting the Exploit: Gabe’s script interacted with the contract’s flawed logic, exploiting its incorrect handling of a specific function— related to balance management and reentrancy issues.

Executing the Transaction: The script was executed through MetaMask, triggering the contract’s vulnerability and initiating the transfer of $160k in USDT back to the victim’s wallet.

– Avoiding Criminal Detection: The operation was carried out discreetly to avoid alerting the criminals, who could have moved the funds further or taken additional countermeasures.

  1. Lessons Learned: Protecting Your Non-Custodial Wallet Like MetaMask

The recovery highlighted several critical security practices that users of non-custodial wallets like MetaMask should follow to protect themselves from similar attacks.

Best Practices for Securing MetaMask:

– Avoid Phishing Scams:

  – Double-check URLs and avoid clicking on links from unsolicited messages.

  – Use browser extensions like PhishFort or MetaMask Phishing Detection to add an extra layer of protection.

– Understand Smart Contract Risks:

  – Before approving transactions, use tools like Etherscan’s “Read Contract feature to review what permissions you are granting.

  – Be cautious when interacting with new or unknown smart contracts and seek advice if unsure.

– Limit Permissions:

  – Regularly review and revoke unnecessary permissions granted to dApps via Etherscan’s Token Approvals  page.

  – Use MetaMask’s  Approval Management  to control which contracts have access to your funds.

– Multi-Signature Wallets:

  – Consider using multi-signature wallets that require multiple approvals for transactions, providing an extra layer of security.

– Cold Wallets and Hardware Wallets:

  – Store the majority of your crypto assets in a hardware wallet or cold storage, keeping only a small amount in MetaMask for everyday use.

– Regular Audits and Updates:  – Ensure your wallet software is updated regularly and participate in audits of smart contracts you frequently interact with.

  1. The Importance of Smart Contract Audits

Nxellent’s success, according to Gabe NXE, was due in part to the overlooked vulnerability in the malicious smart contract. On the other hand such vulnerabilities can be used by threat actors to exploit legitimate smart contracts in DeFi. That highlights the need for rigorous audits in the DeFi space.

Smart Contract Audit Steps:

– Automated Analysis: Tools like MythX and Slither can help identify common vulnerabilities such as reentrancy, integer overflows, and improper access controls.

Manual Code Review: Engage experts to manually review the code for more subtle vulnerabilities.

– Bug Bounty Programs: Encourage community participation in identifying vulnerabilities through bug bounty programs.

  1. Conclusion: A Caution for the Crypto Community

Recovery of $160k in USDT underscores the importance of vigilance and technical understanding in the world of cryptocurrency. By exploiting a flaw in the smart contract, NXE turned the tables on cybercriminals, showing that with the right knowledge and tools, even seemingly lost funds can be recovered. The story serves as both a warning and a guide for crypto users, emphasising the need for strong security practices in an increasingly decentralised world.

Final Advice:

In the world of cryptocurrency, security is paramount. By following the lessons from this story, users can better protect themselves from the ever-evolving threats in the digital landscape. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and always prioritise security.

Verifying Technical Accuracy:

  1. Ethereum Smart Contract Best Practices: – Learn about smart contract security and best practices from the official Ethereum community site: [Ethereum Smart Contract Best Practices] (
  2. Etherscan – Reading and Interacting with Smart Contracts:

   – Guide on how to use Etherscan to read and interact with smart contracts: [Etherscan Guide] (

  1. Slither – Static Analysis Framework for Solidity:

   – Slither is a tool that can be used to detect vulnerabilities in Solidity code: [Slither GitHub] (

  1. MythX – Security Analysis for Smart Contracts:

   – MythX offers advanced security analysis services for Ethereum smart contracts: [MythX] (

  1. MetaMask Security Tips:

   – Security tips directly from MetaMask on how to protect your wallet: [MetaMask Security] (

  1. OpenZeppelin – Auditing and Security:   – OpenZeppelin is a widely recognized platform for smart contract security, offering audits and open-source security tools: [OpenZeppelin] (