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How To Become A Full Stack Developer In The Next 12 Months

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The tech industry is a black hole. You can throw in all your skills, expertise, and experience, but they will likely never return to you. 

Why? Because the chances of finding your next job are slim, even if you’re an experienced developer. Moreover, technology changes so rapidly that as soon as you get skilled at one thing, another one takes over that’s even more powerful and up-to-date. Full-stack is one of them.  

Who is a Full-Stack Developer?

A full-stack developer is a person who has deep knowledge of the full web development stack which includes programming languages, frameworks, and databases. Many aspiring developers are unaware that they can learn all this stuff in just one year with the help of a Full-Stack Development Course with Placement.

How to Become a Full-Stack Developer?

To become a full-stack developer, you need to be familiar with two basic web development concepts: front-end and back-end.

The front end, also known as the client or customer side, refers to all the elements of a computer application with which the user interacts directly. In contrast, the backend includes all behind-the-scenes technologies that calculate business logic, meet user requirements, and permanently store sensitive data.

The front end can be thought of as the tip of the iceberg, but most of the invisible back end extends below the surface of the water.

Front-end developers create and optimize the display portion of their website by adapting components to different display environments such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Create responsive websites using custom programming languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

On the other hand, back-end development requires programmers to create and improve internal software that runs their organization’s databases, servers, and proprietary software. The backend developer is responsible for building the path for delivering information to and from the users servicing the frontend interface.

This is where full-stack development comes in handy. “Full-stack” refers to the entire front-end and back-end architecture of a website or application. As you can imagine, a full-stack pro can deal with both sides of the proverbial equation.

Begin with the Basics

When it comes to web development, there are several basic tools that you need to understand to work on your website or even just build a personal portfolio. Here is a list of some of those tools:

  1. HTML5 – HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, which is a coding language that tells the browser how to display your website. It’s also used for creating forms and links on your site as well as adding multimedia content such as images and video clips.
  2. CSS3 – Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is another coding language that allows you to style your pages using CSS rules that make them look good on different devices like phones, tablets, or computers with different resolutions like retina displays or 1080p displays for example.
  3. JavaScript – This programming language allows developers to add interactivity to their sites through things like animations or menus that open up when users click on buttons, etc. You can also use JavaScript for things like handling events like clicks, taps, etc., which allows you to do things like hiding certain parts of your page until someone clicks on them and then show them

While there are many resources out there that can help you learn these languages quickly, it is highly recommended you take an online course.

Basic Tools Required for Web Development

Before you start learning how to code, you need the right tools. Here’s what we recommend:

  1. Computer or Laptop: First of all, you need a computer or laptop. You can use a computer or a laptop. Both are good for web development. You can also use an iPad, but it is not recommended because of its small screen and limited processing power.
  2. Text Editor: A text editor is like a word processor except it’s designed for editing code instead of words. You can use any text editor you want (like Notepad++), but we recommend Visual Studio Code because it’s free and comes with tons of features that make your coding experience easier.
  3. Web Browser (Chrome / Firefox): You’ll need a web browser to see your finished website hosted on a server somewhere on the internet (if you’re hosting locally on your computer first then no worries about this step). We recommend Chrome.

Good knowledge of CSS Frameworks

CSS frameworks are a great way to get started with building a website. They allow you to create websites quickly and easily.

Frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation provide you with the basics of a website: headers, footers, navigation menus, and so on. They also include features such as forms, buttons, and more.

If you are just starting as a web developer, you must know how to use these frameworks correctly. This will help you develop your skills as a front-end developer.

Learn at least one Front-End Framework

The first step to becoming a full stack developer is to learn at least one front-end framework.

Frameworks are sets of code that allow you to build web pages and applications quickly and efficiently. They can be used for anything from creating simple landing pages to creating complex, interactive web applications.

There are many frameworks out there such as Angular, VueJS, and React. These frameworks have gained popularity recently because they’re easy to learn and use, and they’re constantly being improved by their creators.

Choose any one Server-Side Language

If you want to become a full-stack developer, then you need to know at least one server-side programming language. You can choose any one of these:

  1. NodeJS (runtime environment, not language)
  2. Python 
  3. Java 
  4. Php
  5. Ruby
  6. C#

After choosing a Server-side language it’s time to introduce yourself to server-side frameworks.

Server-side frameworks are just collections of code that help you build applications, but they have many different names depending on which languages they support. For example:

  • Node.js– Express, Feather.js, Nest.js
  • Python: Django, Flask,
  • Java: Spring MVC
  • PHP: Laravel
  • Ruby: Ruby on Rails
  • C#: ASP.NET

Learn SQL, data, and databases.

The next step to becoming a full-stack developer is becoming familiar with databases.

A database is where your application stores the data that it needs to run properly. It can be a relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL, or it can be a non-relational database like MongoDB or Redis. There are many different kinds of databases:

  • Relational Database: RDBMS, PostgreSQL, MySQL.
  • NoSQL: MongoDB.
  • Cloud Database: Firebase, Azure, AWS.


If you have at least a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, there’s a good chance that you can become a full-stack developer in less than a year. However, doing so is not as straightforward as it sounds. The best approach is to pick a technology that aligns with your interests and then build up your knowledge from there. It will take dedication, but it’s possible!