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How to Build a Fintech Application?

© by Photo courtesy of Flickr

Investment and financial markets are highly competitive in terms of technology with fintech growth. Companies are fighting every day for the attention of users, and in order to win this battle, you need to make services available to users. Mobile technologies of come to the rescue.

Checklist for those who want to create a lively and intuitive mobile service:

  • to make analyzing the personal data of customers. But it is not enough. Also should be analyzed the behavior and needs for each user separately. And hyper-personalization here is highly needed.
  • Must be implemented the map binding function. And also should be considered the need to connect the UPS.
  • If the development budget is limited,  the development of one complex app is important. 
  • Must be original options  for user’s entertainment. And a pleasant-looking design is in the center of attention. So that they want to return to the application and use it more often and longer.

If there are increased requirements for information security, performance and complex custom widgets, you should give preference to native development. If you need to quickly test hypotheses on different platforms, then ross-platform is exactly what is needed.

Why does a financial company need a mobile app?

  • New opportunities. Clients will be able to use the services of the company many times faster and from anywhere in the world. There is no need to be tied to an office or terminal.
  • Sales promotion. You will be able to sell more with the help of marketing tools: push notifications, contextual offers and loyalty programs.
  • User analytics. The mobile app collects a lot of user data, from geolocation to sleep time. You can collect this data and use it in your analytics to get insights for business development.
  • Improving the image. A company that does not use modern communication channels seems old and ossified. The application will not only simplify communication with customers, but also show that you are keeping up with the times.
  • Collecting feedback. Collecting feedback through the application is easier than through mailings or calls from the quality department.

In the modern world, an idea in itself is not worth anything, only its implementation by has value. Therefore, before planning a startup, you need to clearly understand the possibility of its implementation.

World practice shows that 9 out of 10 startups fail. To become one of the 10% of successful startups, young entrepreneurs need to navigate what will be in demand in the near future. Should be taken into account, among other things, global trends.

You also need to understand that in the modern world, an idea in itself is not worth anything, only its implementation has value. Therefore, before planning a startup, you need to clearly understand the possibility of its implementation in fintech applications. So, what areas will be of interest to venture capitalists in 2021?

The process of “digitalization” of important areas of medical services has begun, such as obtaining online prescriptions for medicines, online sales of medicines, and telemedicine. Accordingly, new areas require new payment solutions. Speed ​​and convenience of payment, installment plans, monetization of bonus programs. These are the tasks that fintech can solve for both suppliers and consumers. And although this market will only develop, for startups that want to enter the “free meadow”. It will definitely be very interesting.