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How to Enable Wi-Fi Calling in 5 Simple Steps?

Wondering why you need Wi-Fi Calling? Especially when you are paying for a cellular network dedicated to help you make calls. It’s no secret that we have all found ourselves in situations where we were in dire need of a cell signal. But due to limited network outreach had to withstand hardships that could otherwise be fixed with a simple phone call. This usually occurs due to weak or non-existent cell signals.

Wi-Fi calling is a trustworthy option. Since Wi-Fi signals provide an almost indefinite coverage without worrying about weak signals. Before getting into the details of Wi-Fi calling, let us have a look at why we ultimately end up with a weak signal with cellular networks.

What is Meant By Weak Cell Signal?

Cell phones transmit your calls using radio waves. These radio waves are transmitted and received by means of antennas. When these radio waves are unable to reach your cell phone or from your cell phone to the antenna due to obstructions then you end up with a weak signal. Sometimes even a dead zone. By dead zone we mean an area where there is no available cell signal.

My close friend implemented the whole method, but still its internet wasn’t working too well for Wi-Fi calling. After a few days of extensive research I found out that the problem was with the compatibility. He was using Verizon Fios internet connection and his route was not compatible. I suggested him Fios compatible router and everything was more than good now. You can consider it as a pro tip. Listed below are some of the reasons why we get weak or non-existent cell signal:

Topography: This term refers to the different landscapes as they are represented on a map. It is true that the type of physical area you are in plays a role in the cell signal your phone is catching. On ground level what happens is that the terrain you are in creates a hindrance between your cell phone and the cellular tower. This is the real reason why you find yourself with a weak or non-existent cell signal in some of these areas:

1. Middle of a desert
2. Mountainous regions
3. Thick forest
4. Cavernous areas
5. Tunnels


Destructive interference in particular is the reason behind weak cell signals. As the name suggests it occurs when obstacles appear in the path of the transmitted radio waves. These obstacles can be in the form of trees or poorly placed building structures. This is why destructive interference can occur in the center of a city just as possibly as it can occur in the middle of a forest.

Another reason for interference is the abundance of cell signal networks. Each network transmits radio waves at a different frequency level. But when these various radio waves come in the path of one another and destructively interfere with each other. This returns you a weak or non-existent cell signal.

Cellular Network Architecture:

Cellular networks utilize a grid system to transmit and receive signals. This grid is designed in such a way that at least three cellular towers called base stations are within the range of a cellular device. These base stations are responsible for providing network coverage to your device.

There are three base stations generally, so that if one is not working the other could act as a backup. But when a cell phone goes out of reach of any of these cellular towers. Like you could be in the middle of a desert or atop a mountain. That is when cellular network architecture fails to provide you a cell signal coverage. The two best devices for increasing the range are access point & extender. If you have a big house, you need 1 of it.

Limited Network Density:

Network density refers to potential connections that could be actually achieved. This is also linked to cellular network architecture. This means that network density determines if a base station is within reach of a cellular device and then allows for potential connection. So if you are out of reach of a base station then the network density becomes limited.

When these factors come into play it becomes more evident why we need Wi-Fi calling more than we realize. So if you are convinced that you could find yourself in need of Wi-Fi calling from time to time then continue reading further.

Why is Wi-Fi Calling more Reliable?

Wi-Fi calling is an alternative to cellular calls which allows you to make and receive calls over a Wi-Fi signal irrespective of the cellular signals. Wi-Fi calling uses an available internet connection to place your calls or allow data transfer.

Source: Router Password

In modern day technology, Wi-Fi has taken up considerable repute. This is mainly because of the convenience it creates in its user’s life. For instance Wi-Fi calling has remarkably revolutionized communication. Making modern day communication unbarred by any limitations. Some of the advantages of Wi-Fi calling are listed below:

· Cheaper than Regular Calls: Wi-Fi calling has become more popular with the emergence of free Wi-Fi zones. So you will often find Wi-Fi calling more cost effective in public than a regular call.

· Useful in a Dead Zone: Dead zones are no longer a problem with Wi-Fi calling since this feature utilizes an available internet connection. You can utilize this facility anywhere as long as you have access to Wi-Fi. Making you free of cell signal dependence.

· Dependable in Times of Distress: More often than not we find ourselves in situations where a phone call becomes crucial. But weak cellular signals make it impossible. In such a dilemma you could rely on Wi-Fi calling. As this service works independent of the cell signal. It comes in handy in times where cellular calls are not an option.

· Saves battery life: When you switch to Wi-Fi calling it disables the cellular network signal reception. If you are in a dead zone or an area where there is weak cell signal this action helps save battery life. As this limits the battery consumption from features that are not currently in use.

How to Enable Wi-Fi Calling?

People generally tend to be unaware of this service. But once you find out about it the next thing that immediately pops into your mind is how to enable it. Here is a simple guide to help you through the process.

Step 1: First of all check if your smartphone is compatible for Wi-Fi calling. If not then skip to the alternative section.

Step 2: Now go to the Settings in your phone.

Step 3: Go to Wi-Fi Settings. In some cases you will have to go further into Advanced Wi-Fi Settings.

Step 4: From the Wi-Fi Settings menu select Wi-Fi Calling.

Step 5: Once you switch to Wi-Fi Calling mode your device will ask for confirmation to switch to a Wi-Fi network. Select OK and you are ready to use Wi-Fi Calling feature.

This procedure could be slightly different for different versions of smartphones but nonetheless the overall steps remain the same.

Alternative Approach to Wi-Fi Calling

Some devices are not compatible for Wi-Fi Calling. In such a case there is an alternative approach to allow you to make calls utilizing your Wi-Fi. This is made possible through Wi-Fi Calling enabled applications. Apps for short. Some of the apps that are allow access to Wi-Fi calling are listed below:

· Facebook
· Whatsapp
· Imo
· Skype
· Google Hangouts
· Google Duo
· Viber

Of course there are numerous more apps that provide this service. However we have listed here some of the popular picks. The thing with these apps is that the person you are trying to reach should also be using that app. Otherwise you cannot directly call their number using any of these apps.

Using an app is often a more preferable option since you do not use an app just for calling. You can use it for various purposes making it more useful to you. Also these apps come with privacy settings. So you can customize who gets to contact you and who does not.

Compatible Carriers

When you tend to buy a new smartphone, you make sure it has all the latest features. Wi-Fi calling being the new and up to date feature is desired by most. So here is a list of compatible carriers who offer this feature that you could opt for or shift to. You can take your pick from any of these:

· Sprint
· T-Mobile
· AT&T
· Verizon wireless