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How to Get a Student Film Job on Campus?

An on-campus job is an ideal and convenient part-time occupation that provides a lot of benefits. Apart from earning money to support your expenses or tuition, it provides an avenue to meet new people and gain work experience. Luckily, being a student, you can apply for particular assistant roles in the film-making process, even with the means of your university.

Tips for Finding a Campus Job

Although many jobs are reserved for students, getting the opportunity comes with its fair share of challenges. To increase the chances of getting a campus film job, you have to employ different strategies and be ready to go the extra mile to look for these opportunities. Follow these tips to boost your odds of getting an on-campus film job:

Explore Opportunities that Match Your Current Skills

One of the most accessible strategies is looking for a campus job that aligns with your previous occupation or interests. For example, if you previously worked at a coffee shop, consider applying for a barista job. A previous receptionist will perfectly fit a mailroom clerk position within your campus. Have you had prior experience in merchandising or sales promotion? If yes, try a campus ambassador job. And if you are passionate about films, consider contacting student newspaper to find out whether they need a videographer, or whether the administration can recommend you to someone.

Seek Advice from Career Center

If you qualify for a federal work-study program, the career services office should be your perfect place to look for an on-campus job. From the available opportunities, you will get assistance to pick the best jobs that suit your qualifications. And you can seek the assistance of the recruiter on campus.

Prepare Perfect Application Papers

Besides trying to get a film job with the help of your college, you can search the web and find online applications offered by various film companies and locations. Avoid sending canned cover letters, resumes, or CVs. Your message should be personalized to reflect the values and ethics.

Also, take down accurate details of your previous job experience and proven skills, including the address, names, and your scope of work. Before sending the letter, review the text to eliminate grammar or typo mistakes. It is highly recommended to research beforehand to find out the exact requirements for the given assistant position.

Compile Your Portfolio

Samples will help showcase your previous work/ skills during an interview. Include the most relevant and exceptional examples of your work if you want to help with the film-making process, or list your skills and qualities if you are applying for merchandising or manager position. If possible, include recommendations from your previous employers. Besides, you need to structure and organize the portfolio for easier review by the recruiter.

Always Check the Bulletin Board

Be on the lookout for new positions related to films on the college bulletin board. They can be in the form of fliers or notices pinned by your department. If your college has a dedicated job board, the listing will describe the available role, requirements, and application instructions.

Build Networks

Networking is a good way to enhance your visibility in the film industry. You can accomplish that by interacting with friends, alumni, or associates and using the opportunity to let them know you are looking for a film-related job.

You can still achieve a similar outcome by attending conferences, workshops, or seminars related to films and film-making. Volunteering also provides a good platform to forge new friendships that will come handy in referring you to new job openings.

Learning Life Skills

There is more to education that solving math puzzles or assignment writing. Academic skills can land you a dream job in the future but won’t enlighten you on financial literacy, etiquette, laundry, or managing emotions. A college education can prepare you to become a physician or lawyer, but tackling real-life challenges will call for non-academic skills.

In life, we have to communicate and interact with other people a lot. How effectively we can do this depends on how well we can handle conservations, use our empathy to understand other people, and be smart and responsible about what we say and do.

In your adulthood, so-called soft skills will be as relevant as your professional skillset. Therefore, while studying in college, emphasize your self-development and seek opportunities wherever and whenever you can. If you have decided to build your career in film-making, develop your film-related skills, check job offers on-campus and on the web, and build a quality network of people that may become your colleagues in the future.