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How to Get Into Game Development 

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If you’re a gaming fan and a programming wizard, there’s no better career than game development. However, it’s not an easy line of work to get into. If you don’t know where to start when it concerns getting this career, then this guide is here to help. 

Here’s what you should consider first. 

Post your work on discussion boards and social media

People with a strong work ethic tend to try and learn as much as possible about what they’re interested in. Developers are no different, although, unlike most people, developers have the ability to change their careers on a whim. If you want to get your name out there, join some discussion boards and post links to anything you create. When you share your work, others who are passionate about game development will notice. If it’s good enough, they may even recommend some improvements to help guide your future work.

Become obsessed about how games work

If you’re just starting out in the industry, the chances are that you have no idea how games work. To remedy this, try making some throwaway apps to see what they do on a basic level. On top of that, you need to think about the mechanics of every game you play, where it’s an online casino game or a first-person shooter. Also, make sure that you are playing as often as you can, as the user experience is the most important thing. If you are having fun at an online casino, why is this the case? Is it the gameplay, the colors, or the graphics? 

The more you think about how games work, the better equipped you’ll be to create your own.

Build your own indie games

If you’re planning on making games for a living, you must practice what you preach. Create and release indie games as often as possible. Just remember that your first title is likely to be the worst one – don’t expect wild success if it isn’t good enough. Instead, you should practice your game development skills and then work on developing something more impressive.

Get a job as a Game Tester

A job as a game tester is usually the first step on the ladder to becoming a developer. If you’re not at this stage yet, consider doing some freelance testing on your own time. It’s an excellent way of showing off your critical skills and getting insider knowledge of how games work from behind the scenes.

Get a degree in computer science or game design 

A degree in either department is an increasingly common way of showing employers that you’re serious about making games for a living. This is especially true if you graduate with honors, as this displays critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are necessary to becoming a developer. However, be sure that you’re actually passionate about the kind of work you’re doing. On the plus side, a degree will give you a head start on your future competition by teaching you how to program and design games from an early age.

Get an internship at a video game studio

It’s no coincidence that many of the most successful game developers started off by getting an internship at a company. Most companies look for interns who display initiative and self-motivation, which are skills necessary to become a developer. More importantly, it gives you insight into how professional studios operate. From here, you can figure out which companies interest you the most and start branching out to apply.