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How to Make the Best Black and Blue Steak on a Budget

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Whenever you need a quick, yet filling, meal but don’t have time to prepare it yourself, a black and blue steak has its place. They can be pricey, but they are also some of the most delicious and affordable options out there. If you are in need of a quick, easy and budget-friendly meal that will leave you feeling satisfied yet hungry again, then consider giving black and blue steaks a try. These tender cuts of meat are typically found on the cheaper end of the spectrum when it comes to meat prices. But because they are packed with so many nutritious benefits, you won’t find black and blues as expensive as other types of steak. Check out how to make the best black and blue steak on a budget below!

Get to know your steak

Steak is an expensive cut of meat, which can cost you a small fortune to buy at the grocery store. Fortunately, you can make the best black and blue steak on a budget at home. Make sure you get a good quality cut of steak though, as cheaper versions are often made from cheaper cuts of meat. Make sure you know where the muscle fibers are located in your steak, so you can pair it with certain types of protein. For example, if you want to make a steak salad, you’ll want to pair it with the salad’s lettuce.

Make the best black and blue steaks on a budget

If you are in need of a quick, easy and budget-friendly meal that will leave you feeling satisfied yet hungry again, then consider giving black and blue steaks a try. These tender cuts of meat are typically found on the cheaper end of the spectrum when it comes to meat prices. But because they are packed with so many nutritious benefits, you won’t find black and blues as expensive as other types of steak. 

How to make black and blue steaks on a budget

If you are making the best black and blue steak on a budget, you will first need to select your protein. For example, if you are making a steak salad, you will want to pair your steak with the lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. Once you have your protein selected, it is time to pair your steak with the rest of your meal. You will do this by using the following 3-step process:

  • 1. Pre-package your protein. This will help you save a significant amount of money in the long run by keeping your protein at home.
  • 2. Prepare your protein. For example, you can saute your protein in some butter or oil, or add a few drops of your favorite flavorings to give it a more complex taste.
  • 3. Pair your protein with your steak and other ingredients. This will give your meal an added boost of flavor and nutrients.
  • Once you have selected and prepared your steak, it is time to cook it. For example, you can sear your steak on the stovetop, or in the oven. Once the steak is seared, it is ready to eat.
  • To make the best black and blue steak on a budget, pair your cheap steak with cheaper cuts of meat.
  • Don’t be afraid to use coupons and deals. Even if you only use coupons once in a blue moon, they can add up over time and save you a significant amount of money.
  • Always read the expiration date on your produce and meat. This will help you know when to purchase freshness-stacked vegetables and meat at their peak of flavor.
  • If you are having difficulty finding a deal or coupon for your meat or vegetables, head to a grocery store’s deli counter. Many times, you will be able to save a significant amount of money by buying your meat and vegetables in bulk.