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How To Win At Sports Betting in 4 Easy Steps 

A question as old as the practice itself, bettors have been asking themselves, and their friends “how do you win at sports betting?” for a very long time. The answer? Not so straightforward. Placing a bet is a relatively simple exercise, but winning bets? Even the most seasoned betting experts still get it wrong from time to time. This article will serve as a guide to help you win at sports betting. 

How to Win at Sports Betting: 

  1. Choose a leading betting site 
  2. Bet on sports you have knowledge of 
  3. Do some background research 
  4. Read betting tips 

Step 1: Choosing a leading betting site 

The first step in a winning sports betting strategy comes in the betting site selection phase. Regardless of the right or wrong bets, if you choose a shady bookmaker that doesn’t pay you out, you won’t be winning anything from your sports betting. 

So, how do you ensure a betting site isn’t shady and is worth your time? Easy. There are plenty of betting site comparison websites out there, that list and review the best bookmakers, rank their category, and explain their legality. 

One such bookmaker comparison website is called My Betting Sites and it is one of the best resources for this phase of your winning betting strategy if you’re Canadian. Simply navigate to their website, and choose from the list of sportsbooks available to Canadians. Always keep in mind that the best bookmaker is the one that’s the best for you.  

Step 2: Betting on sports you have knowledge on 

Betting on sports that you have no idea about is a little like stumbling around in the dark. For a winning sports betting strategy, you need to have at least some idea of the intricacies of the sport you’re looking to place a wager on if you have even the slightest chance of winning your bet. 

So how do you gain knowledge of a given sport? It may seem simple, but it does require a bit of time and effort.  Leading sports website, The 442 Sports Plex lists four ways to fast-track your learning of a new sport.

For one, you can join a local amateur league team that plays the sport you’re looking to bet on, or you could join a local fan organization. You could also play video games of a given sport, to get to know the rules and players better. Lastly, watching the given sport, and having a general interest in it is the best way to learn a given sport in a way that you’ll be able to bet on it. 

Step 3: Doing your Background Research 

If you’re already a budding expert on the sport you’d like to bet on, or if you’ve gone ahead and learnt all the rules and have started to watch, the next step in ensuring a rock-solid winning betting strategy is going away and doing some research on a given match up. 

In sports, history has a funny way of repeating itself. When it comes to soccer, for example, some teams, regardless of how good they are on paper, can become unstuck by the same teams that don’t have the same firepower as them. If we take soccer again, some players are known for scoring against certain teams more than against some others. 

With this in mind, doing some background research can greatly aid your winning sports betting strategy. You can find out about the history shared between teams, which players are injured and may miss out, what the weather is looking like and how teams usually react to these conditions and so on. 

Step 4: Reading Betting Tips

Finally, once you’ve done all of the preparation mentioned in the three steps above, the last thing you’ll need to do to ensure a winning betting strategy is to read betting tips from reputable betting experts. Doing so can give you some insights into what the experts think, and you can use these tips as a comparison with the bets you were going to place.

Betting tips also list betting markets that you may not have thought about, such as overs/unders, spreads, and totals, which can help you break from the same old 1X2 bets that so many bettors become tired of. These tips can shed light on other potential opportunities that you could capitalize on. 

How to Win At Sports Betting – Conclusion 

While no straight answer exists for the million-dollar question, creating a winning betting strategy is certainly manageable if you follow the steps outlined here. Ensuring that you’re betting with a worthy betting site, making sure you have a solid knowledge of the sport, doing some background research, and reading betting tips will ensure that you’re in a good position to win at sports betting.