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How to Write a Law Research Paper

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Do you have a law paper you need to complete? Are you having problems writing this paper? You’re not alone. Most students have problems with law school research papers. But we’re here to make it easier for you. In this article, we’ll give you a guide on how to write a law research paper. First, you may consider reading some law research papers. Reading more papers will make you a better writer. Below, we have prepared a step-by-step approach that will help you write a winning law research paper.

Table of Contents

How to write Law Research Paper step-by-step

Step 1: Read the requirements

Step 2: Select your topic

  1. i) Read course syllabus
  2. ii) Research the topics

iii) Select your topic

Step 3: Research

Step 4: Outline

Step 5: Choose the formatting style

How do you reference legal materials in APA style? 

What is bluebook citation?

Step 6: Draft your paper

Step 7: Edit and proofread

Final thoughts


How to write Law Research Paper step-by-step

Step 1: Read the requirements

This is the first step on how to write a law research paper. Before doing any assignment, you need to read it first. Read the question. Ensure that you’ve understood it. Then, read the requirements. 

  • What is the minimum length of your research paper?
  • What is the maximum length?
  • When is the assignment due? In a week? A month?
  • Does your instructor need a specific format?
  • Is the topic provided? Or, do you have to find your topic?
  • How many sources should you use? 
  • Does your instructor need certain sources or materials?

Ensure you have the answers to these questions. Consult your instructor if need be. 

Step 2: Select your topic

The second step on how to write a law research paper is selecting a topic. This step is very important. If you choose a good topic, you’ll have an easier time writing your paper. So, you need to pick well. You can use different ways to find Law research paper topics. For example, you can get a good topic from the course syllabus or from a paper writing service online.

  1. Read course syllabus

To find law research paper topics, start by looking over the course syllabus. Look at the various topics in the syllabus. Ask yourself the following questions;

  • Which of these topics interests you?
  • Which of these topics would you like to explore?
  • Did the instructor recommend any of these topics?

The answers to these questions will help you identify some good topics. List down those topics. 

  1. Research the topics

At this point, you have some topics. But you just need one topic for your paper. Research these topics to get an overview. You can get some resources from the course syllabus. After reading on these topics, identify one that you want to explore further. 

Your topic should do either of the following;

  • Support or criticize a judicial opinion in a given case.

This is a common approach in a research paper for law students. You’ll have to analyze a case and then support or criticize it.

  • Suggest law changes

Here, your topic focuses on showing a problem in the existing law. Then, you’ll show how this problem can be solved. 

  • Dismissing a theory or argument

Your topic may focus on dismissing a theory or an argument. You’ll explain the problem with the legal theory or argument. Then, you’ll explain how the theory or argument can be improved.

  • Comparing legal practices in different courts

Your topic may focus on comparing two approaches to dealing with a legal issue.

  1. Select your topic

Step 3: Research

At this point, you have a good topic. The next step is researching the topic. This is an important step for law school research papers. Find credible sources on your topic. Take notes as your read through the sources. Also, reference your sources in full. Remember to find relevant sources. Law school research papers require updated sources.

Step 4: Outline

The next step on how to write a law research paper is to outline. Divide your outline into three main sections. 

In your introduction section, address the following;

  • What is the problem or issue your paper will be addressing?
  • Why is the issue important?
  • What is your main argument or thesis statement?

After the introduction, outline the main body. Here, address the following issues;

  • Relevant background
  • Your analysis

Then, outline the conclusion. You may have a separate section for recommendations.

Step 5: Choose the formatting style

While writing a law research paper, you are more likely to use legal materials. The legal materials may include;

  • Court cases and decisions
  • Supreme court decisions
  • State court decisions
  • Statutes
  • Testimonies
  • Hearings
  • Bills

When you use any of these materials, you need to cite them. The question is, which citation style will you use? We have different formatting styles such as APA, and bluebook citation. 

How do you reference legal materials in APA style? 

You can reference court cases and decisions in a research paper for law students. To reference these legal materials, focus on five elements.

  1. Name or title of the court case, for example, Erick v. Lyon
  2. Citation, this is the page and volume in the document where your case is published.
  3. Court jurisdiction, for example, Texas Court of Appeals
  4. Decision date
  5. URL (not always)

Using this information, you can properly reference your legal material. 

For example, if you have used a court decision, this is how you should reference it;

Name. volume. court jurisdiction. Page. decision date. URL

Erick v. Lyon, 24 U.S. 56 (2021). URL

In the in-text citation, you write the name of the case in italics, and the date. 

For example, (Erick v. Lyon, 2021)

What is bluebook citation?

When learning how to write a law research paper, you must come across bluebook citation. This style is common among law students. If you are a new law student, don’t worry. With time, you will be familiar with the bluebook citation. 

How do you cite legal materials in bluebook citation? 

You’ll need to identify five elements. These include;

  1. Case name
  2. Volume 
  3. Reporter (abbreviated)
  4. Page number
  5. Court Name
  6. Decision year

Step 6: Draft your paper

The next step on how to write a law research paper is to draft it. Use your research notes and outline as a guide. Consider the following factors when drafting the paper;

  • Use active voice. Passive voice tends to be awkward in legal writing.
  • Include topic sentences in your paragraphs. This tells your reader what the paragraph will prove or disprove. Then, provide examples to support your point.
  • Use transitions from one paragraph to the next.
  • Avoid using too many quotes. Also, consider using shorter quotes. 
  • Remember to include in-text citations in your paper.

Step 7: Edit and proofread

The last step on how to write a law research paper is revising it. Ensure that;

  • Your paper has relevant content
  • The paper has a good structure
  • You have used the required formatting style
  • You have met all other requirements such as length
  • Sentence structure is appropriate
  • Your paper has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • You have a list of references

Final thoughts

Writing law school research papers may not be an easy task. It requires time, attention, and commitment. However, when you know how to write a law research paper, it becomes easier than using an essay writer online. Today, we’ve discussed seven steps to write a law research paper. Follow this guide for an easier time completing your law assignment. In the end, you’ll be a better writer. You may also seek professional help from law research paper writers. Just ensure that you submit a top-quality paper for better grades. Good luck.