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How to Write a Perfect Article?

At this time, it’s expected that the vast majority of people involved in the world of digital marketing, especially those who have immersed themselves in the Inbound Marketing universe, are talking about the importance of content as part of this type of strategy. We talk about content marketing, developing educational content offerings, and especially – included in this group called “content” – we talk about optimal blog development.

Before we get to what we’re interested in, remember that the benefits of developing a blog as part of any digital strategy are many, and you can see them in no time. Creating and frequently updating a blog will allow you to be recognized as a leader in your industry, attract new visitors to your site, educate those visitors, and then convert them into qualified executives for your industry who can begin the buying process with you soon.

But talk enough, we won’t make you wait: here’s how to write a blog designed for an inbound marketing strategy in just eight simple steps.

Create a strategy.

One of the most common mistakes when developing a blog as a marketing tool is to write random articles without really knowing what your goals are and what results you want to achieve. There are many papers writing help services who can correct your mistakes and help you write your essay.

This same mistake should not be made: develop a comprehensive and detailed strategy before writing articles. You have to be very specific in this plan and make several evident characteristics of your pieces: the topics you will be dealing with, the keywords you will be trying to position with each one, the delivery and publication dates of each article, the target buyers, etc. Think about all of the factors that affect your blog, analyze them, and leave them predetermined.

Choose the right keywords.

People involved in the inbound universe don’t understand that every new blog article was written on a new page on your site. What this means is that every article is a page that will index information for your site. Therefore, every last essay is an opportunity to attack relevant keywords for your company.

So you can’t waste these valuable opportunities: review your company’s keyword strategy – or set a process if they don’t already have one – and try to link every article you write to the most relevant keywords for your industry. This will allow you to work more intensively on each keyword: for example, if you lose ground on a keyword, you can write an article that strengthens it and thus regains some search engine positions.

Do your research.

A good blog article should develop relevant topics in a clear and quite specific way. First of all, it reinforces your image as a “leader in your industry” to readers and other companies. Second, when you talk about yourself in detail, you help your readers solve all their problems, which is the incoming methodology of helping our readers.

So never talk about what you don’t know and do the relevant research:

Look at what has already been saying about the topic you want to address.

  • Check your content with some numbers or statistics.
  • Ultimately, try to offer your perspective for your blog.

Create a relaxed and engaging title.

The title is an integral part of a blog’s entire structure, mainly because it is the first element on which the reader’s eyes rest. In other words, your readers have the first contact with your blog through headlines: if they are interested in the headline, they will read your article. If they’re not, they’re likely to pass by.

In this case, you need to create headlines that will captivate your readers, grab their attention right away, and get them to enter directly into your article. My advice here is to use persuasive and fresh language: make your readers feel like they can’t miss your article.

Develop a first paragraph that appeals to the reader.

It’s one thing to have your readers enter your article because of your headlines’ effectiveness; if they read the entire article carefully and make it to the end of the page, that’s another thing entirely. Very few people care to read your complete essay.

You should be able to get your readers’ attention, and also, you should be able to keep them interested in what your article is trying to develop. From the first lines, you must be direct, vivid, and persuasive; this will make people who come to read your articles develop an interest in your approach and, therefore, read your entire essay.

 Try using multimedia content.

This step may already seem pretty obvious, but it’s worth considering. When you sit down to develop your blog articles, think about providing information interactively: use images, videos, graphics, computer graphic links to an external site, etc. This way, you’ll make your articles more comfortable to read, and you’ll captivate your readers faster.

Finally, publish and share your blog.

Once you’ve completed all of these steps, all that remains is to publish your blog on your website and share it through your social networks. However, that’s not the end of the job: when you share your articles on Facebook, Linked In or the social network that your company is most interested in, analyze the behavior she has with your followers. You can look at the reception it has had among your users, people’s comments about it, etc. Remember, the idea of blogging is not to impose knowledge. It’s about creating conversation.