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How Web Push Service Helps Your Online Business

Online advertising seems an effective marketing strategy considering the growing use of smartphones and social media. However, online ads are like a double-edged sword that can provide a more extensive reach but also comes with low conversion rates. 

In fact, the average click-to-open rate for email marketing is 14.1%, while the average click-through rate is just 2.6%. Alternatively, there is another new emerging way of engaging with the audience in real-time with improved conversion rates, known as web push notifications. Therefore, this article explores in detail web push notifications and highlights the benefits of web push services for businesses.

What is Web Push?

Web push, or web push notifications, are small pop-up message alerts on users’ desktops, smartphones, or tablets when their web browser is open. Once users have allowed the website to send notifications, it can send notifications about promotions, news, updates, or other messages to their browsers. The best part about web push is that it allows businesses to send notifications to subscribers even when they are not on their websites. That’s why they are also called browser notifications.

How Does Web Push Work?

All the modern and popular web browsers today come with built-in support for push notifications. This feature of browsers allows websites to request their visitors to permit to receive web push notifications. 

When users visit a website that offers push notifications, they will see a prompt asking them to “Allow” or “Block” the website from sending push notifications. Once users have opted in, the web browser will receive web push notifications from the website and show them on users’ desktop, smartphone, or tablet devices. 

In order for a website to send web push notifications, it has to sign up for a web push service. A web push service will facilitate sending push messages seamlessly and allows you to schedule the push notifications at specific times. 

Benefits of Using Web Push Service

Web push has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to engage more directly with their audience in real-time. Below are some of the key benefits businesses can get with web push service:

  1. High Click-through Rate

Almost 270 billion emails are sent every day by users across the globe. This massive email traffic makes it challenging for email marketers to stand out. Compared to that, the average click-through rate of web push notifications is much higher because it directly shows up on the user’s screen, making it easy to catch the person’s attention. According to MailChimp, the average CTR for e-commerce emails is 2.32%, while the same for web push is 5.38%. In short, web push definitely offers high CTR.

  1. High Opt-in Rate

Web push comes with fewer entry barriers, as users just have to click a single button to subscribe for notifications. On the other end, email marketing requires users to share personal details. Therefore, it is much easier to make a website visitor opt-in for web push notifications than email newsletters. According to Smart Insights, a single-step web push opt-in can lead to a 20% higher subscription rate. So, another benefit of web push service is the high opt-in rate compared to other marketing tactics.

  1. High Conversion Rate

Besides higher click-through and opt-in rates, a higher conversion rate is another beneficial aspect of web push notifications. Marketers have observed faster results in a shorter period with web push messages. According to one Medium study, web push notifications with the right message at the right time to the right visitor can lead to a 15% increase in conversion rates. It is because a web push notification appears directly on the user’s screen, which makes the message more actionable. 

  1. Efficient

In email marketing, crafting a perfect newsletter involving compelling text, attractive graphics, and tempting calls to action requires significant effort. In contrast, web push notifications are a fast and efficient way to reach the audience. They require attention to detail but involve less effort in crafting a compelling heading and a short tempting text. Once users have decided to opt-in, a business can send push messages at any time without getting concerned about spam filters. Moreover, web push notifications can be automated, letting businesses send notifications on certain triggers. 

In short, web push service provides many benefits over other marketing tactics. However, it does not mean businesses should just emphasize web push marketing. There should be a balanced approach that incorporates multiple marketing channels, such as email marketing, social media, SEO, etc. This way, businesses can set up a comprehensive marketing strategy and maximize their reach.

EngageLab – The One-Stop Web Push Service for Businesses

EngageLab, the world’s leading customer engagement platform, provides a one-stop, powerful web push service for businesses to send real-time and accurate web notifications. With industry-leading technology and decades of customer engagement market experience, EngageLab streamlines the process of sending web push notifications to subscribers at any time. 

Below are the key features of EngageLab’s web push service: 

  • Supports Multiple Scenarios: 

It empowers businesses to send web push notifications for different scenarios, such as promotion notifications, new content update reminders, voucher or discount coupons for pending orders, service change notifications, etc. 

  • Support Mainstream Browsers: 

It supports almost all mainstream browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge, etc. 

  • Native Notification Experience: 

It provides a native notification experience for both desktops and mobile devices, increasing the chances of higher click-through and opt-in rates. 

  • Add Subscribers: 

Its guide tips function communicates the benefits of subscribing to notifications to users at the right time, which leads to an increase in the subscription rate by up to 70%.

Overall, EngageLab web push API service provides a powerful, intelligent, and streamlined push notification service for effective communication with the audience. 

Wrapping Up

As digital technologies are evolving rapidly, they also urge the need to evolve marketing strategies to increase “reach” and “drive” conversion. Web push notifications have become an emerging and much-needed marketing tactic that provides businesses an opportunity to interact and engage with the audience more aggressively. All that matters in web push is the right message delivered at the right time. 

If you also want to leverage the potential of web push, then EngageLab web push service is highly recommended. Its intuitive approach, rich functionalities, personalization, and timely web push notifications make it a reliable service for businesses. So, try out the EngageLab web push service today and start connecting with the audience more effectively and efficiently.