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Hyperautomation: What Does It Imply and How to Achieve It?

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Have you ever noticed how many things we repeat over and over in our daily lives? We spend most of our lives doing the same things, and this naturally affects our productivity. This is the case even when playing on sites like VulkanBet. For example, suppose you take advantage of the VulkanBet 50 free spins bonus and play online slots:  you have to either manually press the spin button every time, or you can use an autoplay option.

Not only individuals but also large enterprises face this problem: common business applications take a lot of time, require employees to do the same things and reduce productivity. Although automation programs are used to solve this problem, they only work on a limited scale. This is why hyperautomation is one of the most impressive strategic technology trends in recent years, as it truly takes automation programs to the next level. Below we will talk about what hyperautomation is and how it can be used.

What Is Hyperautomation?

Unfortunately, there is no simple one-sentence answer to this question. We can say that hyperautomation is a kind of intelligent automation solution that uses robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies, but this explanation will make no sense if you do not know what these terms mean.

So, let’s start with the most basic things. The term “hyperautomation” was first used in 2019 by Gartner, an IT research company. Gartner provided data processing and storage services to enterprise-level companies and used a technology called “robotic process automation (RPA)” for this work. Large companies have many rule-based jobs based on digital data: inquiries, calculations, reports, logs, data transfers between applications, etc. Humans cannot handle this level of data manually, but stand-alone computer software can collect, process, store and use this data to create any kind of output. Moreover, these programs do not need to be managed by a “human” to do all of these, they can work completely independently and automatically. This technology is called robotic process automation (RPA).

RPA is such an advanced technology that it can also mimic the behavior of human employees. Consider, for example, the onboard and offboard forms that HR departments use for employees: RPA technology can automatically fill out these forms. Likewise, it can automatically create and fill out any form that needs data on it. This technology works great in finance, IT and HR departments, allowing most of the work to be done literally by “robots.” But these robots are not metal creatures, they are computer software.

Hyperautomation technology is also based on RPA applications: by combining additional technologies and existing automation applications with RPA, it is possible to create a company that operates almost entirely on its own. When combined with artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing technologies, RPA can be used to create a truly self-governing company. 

In this context, if we are to make a one-sentence definition again, Hyperautomation is a technology that fully automates all complex tasks that require information input from people.

How Can Hyperautomation Help You?

If we give an example, you will have a better understanding of what hyperautomation is and how it can help you. Let’s say you have a company, and you always have to have a certain amount of certain goods in your warehouse. You no longer have to rely on your warehouse manager for this job because:

  • Machine Learning applications will keep track of all your stock, and if a particular item is about to run out, they will create the necessary command to order more before this happens.
  • Artificial Intelligence will analyze the market and determine where you can buy that good at the cheapest price and determine how much you need to buy so that you are not affected by price changes.
  • RPA applications will automatically fill in all the necessary forms for you to buy that product and will automatically handle the shipping process.

No human intervention is required at any stage: the hyperautomation system can determine what you need, how much you need and complete the order & delivery processes automatically. It’s a simple example, but it illustrates well what this technology can do. With hyperautomation, you can have a more efficient workplace and save on employee salaries.

But do not assume that this means you can have a fully automated business right now. Hyperautomation is an impressive technology, but it is still very new and needs to be used in the vast majority of a particular industry to function properly. Therefore, its current application areas are quite limited, but it still works and increases efficiency. For example:

  • Companies in the insurance industry can automate the adjudication process with this technology.
  • The banking industry uses this technology for data migration and credit decisioning.
  • The health sector uses hyperautomation applications for patient pre authorization.
  • The public sector makes use of this technology in human resources departments.

If you want to use this technology in your own business, first start by determining which areas need automation. At this stage, you need to make a cost analysis: hyperautomation is not a cheap technology, and if you do not have many jobs that require automation, you may be making an unnecessary investment. If you think you really need this technology, you need to choose a hyperautomation platform that can offer you the features you need. There are multiple agencies on the market that offer this service, and you should find which one suits you better.