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Impact of Technological Advances On the Games Industry

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Technological advances have propelled the games industry forward. We’ve gone from moving two vertical bars on the screen, with a moving dot in between, to something as immersive as a virtual casino with people playing worldwide. Gone are the days of waiting for friends to come over so you can enjoy a game together.

Even technology that isn’t directly related to gaming has helped the gaming industry. For example, mobile internet lets us search for the best online casino bonus, and advanced online search algorithms provide results with the best websites, such as There’s never been a better time to start playing casino games online. So whether you’re into slots or table games, you can play conveniently online whenever you want, from wherever you want.

But that’s not the only improvement that technology has contributed to the gaming industry. There’s a lot more, so let’s look at some of the more significant advances.

Graphical advancements for a more immersive gameplay

Gaming graphics have improved in leaps and bounds ever since our first experience with playing a game on a screen. Nowadays, games have incredibly high detail, even on something mundane such as grass on a field or the texture of a carpet in a casino. This realistic standard has become the norm, such that anything less is unacceptable.

Games that deliberately have less-than-advanced graphics are considered an aesthetic choice, and this only works for certain games. Single-player experiences like platformers or puzzle games work best with pixel or voxel graphics. But for developers trying to replicate the glitz and glamour of a high-rolling poker table, anything less than modern 3D graphics won’t work.

Of course, some games manage to combine old-style graphics with modern expectations, but they usually have a high bar to clear. Those games require a careful balance between a classic appearance and intuitive gameplay, otherwise, the game risks alienating newcomers with such an appearance.

Better online connectivity for a multiplayer experience

Games are always better with friends, and increasingly improving internet connections have enhanced multiplayer experiences. What used to be a huddle in front of the TV with multiple controllers turned into a local area network, or LAN, party. But even with that development, one problem remained: all players had to be in the same location.

But with the dawn of streaming and online multiplayer technology, everyone can play with (or against) each other from the comfort of their homes. The internet has also allowed players from opposite sides of the globe to enjoy the same game simultaneously, often while chatting.

For a moment, online games can transport players to the same virtual place where geographical distance isn’t an issue.

Mobile-friendly development with the help of apps

Don’t have time to sit in front of a TV or a computer that is capable of playing games? Technology has you covered with that too. You can play games if you have an internet-enabled smartphone (as most people do nowadays).

Ever since the first iPhone revolutionized the mobile phone world, development has been so fast that for most people, smartphones can match a laptop when it comes to functionality. Like a personal computer, smartphones allow you to browse the web, check your email, manage your online banking and even play games.

And for quick-play games like those you’ll find in a casino, the portability of a smartphone makes it the perfect device to fill your idle time with something fun.

Cloud-based technologies for near-instantaneous transactions

Cloud storage is often overlooked in gaming, with most gamers preferring to download the game to their own devices or buy a physical copy. But cloud-based technologies are a godsend for games that require fast and accurate communication between the client device and the game server.

That’s because games used to handle data communication through their own network servers. The servers run the information exchange between the client and the game provider, all while accessing specific files from the storage of both devices. If one fails or if communication gets interrupted, the entire process stalls.

But with cloud computing, everything happens on the fly. No one has to rely on flaky storage servers any longer. Cloud storage is always online, so the player and the game provider can access information whenever and wherever.

Final thoughts

Undoubtedly, technology has pushed the envelope for gaming and keeps changing how we play games. From a single joystick to touchscreen controls, the games industry’s technological advances have been for the better.

And let’s not forget the incredible progress developers have achieved with virtual and augmented reality. The technology is still in its infancy, but it’s already showing promise for the gaming industry. Here’s hoping the innovation never stops.