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IoT Platforms Comparison: AWS, Azure, Google, IBM, Cisco

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is probably one of the fastest-growing modern technologies today. It proves to be a revolutionary technology. It opens up a whole new world of innovation and possibilities that generations never imagined. The development of IoT has connected almost everything to the Internet. Today, devices, appliances, and infrastructure can be controlled from anywhere using electronic devices because there are multiple IoT cloud platforms. Sometimes developers find it difficult to choose the best IoT platform for a specific task. To help you find the best IoT providers on the market, we have iot platforms comparison that will narrow your search.

Which platform is best for IoT?

An IoT platform is a middleware solution that connects IoT devices to the cloud and enables seamless data exchange over networks. It will act as an intermediary between the application layer and the hardware. There are countless IoT platform and IoT solutions providers on the market today. And each platform has its own significance in making IoT integration and management simpler and scalable.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS):

Amazon Web Services (AWS), the public cloud leader, has put a lot of effort into cloud computing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT have long been providing IoT services through the AWS IoT platform, which comes with a rich set of tools.

AWS IoT has targeted both Edge software and cloud services. Edge software helps developers connect devices, collect data, and make informed decisions even when there is no Internet connection. While cloud services enable secure connectivity of a fleet of devices, stay healthy and secure, and detect and respond to actions in IoT apps and sensors. You should know the IoT platforms comparison for choosing the best IoT platform.

  • Google:

Google is one of the leading IoT platform providers worldwide. This makes it easier for developers to create connected devices. The search engine giant delivers Cloud IoT Core as its leading IoT solution for building secure and innovative solutions. 

  • It supports predictive equipment maintenance and real-time optimization of equipment.
  • Continuously monitor the state, status and location of the device.
  • It performs complex analysis, stores collected information and show the status of connected devices.
  • Manage price by the minute
  • It provides large storage space and reduces server maintenance costs.
  • Allows integration with other Google services
  • Facilitate big data analytics

It helps to improve operational efficiency. It will provide predictive maintenance for equipment, Solutions for smart cities and buildings and real-time asset tracking

  • IBM:

It is one of the managed services hosted on the cloud. This makes it possible to connect, manage, and process IoT data securely. In addition to the power of the IoT, the IBM Watson IoT Platform leverages technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain to enable organizations to collect data from devices, equipment and machines. They can use this additional information to gain insights and make better business decisions. Before choosing the IoT platform, you need to know iot platforms comparison.

  • Provides an open container architecture that supports easy migration of workloads to the cloud.
  • Create, modernize and seamlessly connect your device to cloud-based applications.
  • Analyze unstructured data and understand data patterns to extract valuable insights.
  • It provides a dashboard for better visualization.

This platform allows you to collect and review data for equipment, machines, and equipment and find insights for better decision-making. This platform allows you to optimize operations and resources by providing accurate business insights and bi-directional communication facilities. It will increase your income to a great extent.

  • Azure:

Microsoft is also a leader in Forrester’s industrial IoT software platform, as seen in the image above. With its IoT services, the tech giant aims to drive digital transformation across all industries, including manufacturing, transportation and retailing.

  • Supports on-the-fly devise registration that creates a unique identity for each device.
  • Offers a cloud-based dashboard that provides instant access to data across devices and applications.
  • Allows to stream analytics in real-time to improve decision-making ability.
  • It will help in data analysis for actionable insights.
  • Provides remote monitoring solutions to track devices and applications.

This IoT solution is designed for the needs of different industries, working from production to logistics to retail. It Provides solutions for remote monitoring and predictive maintenance of smart space and connected products

  • Cisco:

It is a mobile cloud-based software package. This IoT solution is for mobile operators and is optimized and networked to the fullest. Cisco offers IoT solutions for security, networking, and management purposes. 

  • There is a cloud-based dashboard that gives you a better view and control over the IoT gateway.
  • Supports distributed network computation to ensure optimal utilization of network resources.
  • It allows the free flow of data between connected devices and cloud-based apps.
  • It is updated in real-time.
  • Provides detailed and real-time visibility

Cisco IoT Cloud Connect is a mobile cloud-based software suite. This IoT solution is intended for mobile service providers. It will increase efficiency and make full use of the network. It will offer IoT solutions for networking, security, and data management.

You can consider the iot platforms comparison before choosing the IoT platform for your business.

What are the various IoT platforms?

Salesforce IoT Cloud:

Salesforce specializes in customer relationship management and expertly enhances it with the help of IoT solutions. The Salesforce IoT Cloud platform collects valuable data from connected devices to deliver personalized experiences and build stronger relationships with your customers. 

  • Full customer support, product, and CRM integrations.
  • No programming skills are required to create rules, conditions, and events thanks to the simple point-and-click UI.
  • Compatibility with other third-party websites, services and products.
  • A proactive approach to solving customer problems and needs.

Oracle IoT:

Internet of Things Cloud Service by Oracle is a Managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) for connecting your devices to the cloud.

  • Ability to create applications and connect to devices with JavaScript, Java, Android, iOS, C POSIX, and REST APIs.
  • It can integrate with enterprise applications, web services, and other Oracle Cloud services.
  • Real-time analytics tools to collect and filter incoming data streams.
  • A unique digital identity for each device to establish a trusting relationship between devices and applications.

How many IoT platforms are there?

There are different needs for middleware. IoT platforms can be categorized based on the services they provide to end users and their position within the IoT value chain, unlike platforms built for industrial IoT applications or platforms tailored for the automotive, manufacturing, finance, agriculture or energy sectors. You can know the features before choosing the best IoT platform and also check the cost of development with app cost calculator

It has now become the standard for IoT platforms to provide real-time intelligence services, M2M communication, interoperability and end-to-end security by design. Moreover, the IoT platform is expected to have AI and machine learning capabilities.

Thus, we see that the IoT platform landscape is complex and diverse. As we talk about different types of IoT platforms, the boundaries between them are not necessarily clear. You can have an end-to-end platform, an IoT development kit, an IoT hub with an analytics platform and the enabler platform that lets you build your own IoT product or just a connectivity platform with the ability to manage some devices. The possibilities are diverse, and one thing that will guide you within this forest is the necessities that arise from your specific use case. Some of the types of IoT platforms are given by,

  • Google cloud platform
  • Open remote
  • IRI voracity
  • Particle
  • Thingworx
  • IMB IoT
  • AWS IoT
  • Azure IoT
  • Oracle IoT
  • Cisco IoT

Before choosing the IoT, you should know the differences to choose the best platform for your needs.

IoT platform comparison:

The major features of the iot platforms comparison are given by,

IoT platform Services
Google Organize, manage, and share documents.

It is solutions for smart cities and buildings and real-time asset tracking

Openremote 100% open-source IoT platforms such as smart energy and smart buildings, as well as Edge Gateways, Rules Engine, and associated protocols.
IRI voracity Runtime integration on the edge and/or analytics in the hub
Particle Hardware, Connectivity, Device Cloud, and Apps
Thingworx Unified industrial IoT platform
IBM connection service, analysis service, Blockchain service


Price comparison of the IoT platform:

IoT platform Pricing
Google The price depends on the amount of data. It provides up to 250 MB of free data per month.
Openremote 100% open source and licensed under AGPLv3, so it’s free to use the initial version.
IRI voracity Pricing depends on the number of hostnames running (converting and/or reporting on device data)
AWS Price depends on connection, Messaging, rule mechanics, and device shadowing
IMB The price depends on the exchange of information, analyzed data and data analyzed at the edge
Microsoft Pricing is based on the number of messages per day.


With the various IoT technologies and platforms available to build IoT projects, developers and enterprises, therefore, it can be not easy to find the right project. We make a comparison of leading IoT services (AWS vs Google vs IBM vs Microsoft vs Cisco) to make things easier for them.

This is because the needs and scope of IoT are booming in various industrial sectors. It is, therefore, imperative to understand the leading IoT development platforms and tools in detail. We at Groovy Web have a wealth of experience in providing IoT software development and Telemedicine App Development solutions to different clients. Our expert IoT developers are highly competent and skilled in working on IoT development projects. Come to us, and you won’t be disappointed because we strive for success and customer satisfaction only.