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Is a PMP Certification Enough to Get a Job in Austin?

The PMP certification is not only enough to get you just a job in Austin but also a high-paying one.

Yes, the Project Management Professional or PMP certification isn’t like other common credentials that you can get easily. It is a gold standard in the field of project management, and only professionals with highly specialized skills can achieve it. Many IT certifications involve some training and an exam that the candidate goes through to pursue them. However, a PMP certification is different; you need to fulfill strict eligibility criteria and pass a rigorous exam in order to add it to your portfolio. The Project Management Institute or PMI is the prestigious certification body that administers the PMP certification. And it available in a variety of destinations including PMP Course in London.

Professionals from a variety of educational backgrounds who are seeking a managerial role in their organization are trying to pursue a PMP certification in Austin, New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, and many other cities in America. The credential is recognized by companies across the world and they prefer hiring PMP-certified candidates over non-certified ones for their project management roles. Even if you are just beginning your career, then you should be aware of this certification so that you plan your career for the long term.   

Read on to find out more about this valuable certification and how it can help you earn lucrative salaries in Austin. 

PMP Certification – What is it?

The PMP certification was designed to establish a standard of project management across industries and locations. Adding a PMP certificate to your array of skills is one of the various ways a professional can demonstrate their skills and dedication to their profession in front of a potential employer. Now including agile, predictive, and hybrid approaches, this certification validates your ability to work in virtually every industry and bring a project to successful completion.  Certification holders are familiar with the common concepts, challenges, and vocabulary of project management. They know how to translate seamlessly between industries and are prepared to handle a wide range of scenarios and outcomes. 

You cannot simply apply for the PMP certification anytime. There are certain requirements you should know about – a four-year degree, 36 months leading projects, and 35 hours of project management training or hold a CAPM certification. The first two requirements can be replaced with a high school diploma and 60 months of leading projects. Next, you can apply for the PMP certification exam that consists of 200 multiple-choice questions. The exam syllabus includes five sections, one for each of the five phases of the project life cycle – initiation, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing.  

Read on to find out more about this valuable certification and how it can help you earn lucrative salaries in Austin.

Your Career Prospects after Getting PMP Certified

Consider that you fulfilled the eligibility requirements, appeared for the PMP certification exam, and passed it. What next? Well, you have just validated your project management skills and are ready to take up a job as a project manager. The reason why skilled project managers are in high demand and command high salary packages is that companies face huge losses if a project fails. Poor project management practices not only lead to wastage of time and resources, but companies incur losses worth millions of dollars, and it affects their reputation as well in front of their clients. 

PMI has found in its Project Management Salary Survey that the median salary of PMP certification holders in the US is 25% higher than their non-certified counterparts. As a certified professional, you can aim for more ambitious roles like a portfolio manager, program manager, project management consultant, and office director for project management. PMI has also found in its Project Management Job Growth and Talent Gap 2017-2027 Report that there are outstanding opportunities in jobs and career growth for project managers. By 2027, the project management-related labor force is expected to grow by 33 percent, which converts to roughly 22 million new jobs. Moreover, employers will need nearly 88 million professionals in project management-oriented roles.  

Looking at Glassdoor, we see that the project managers earn a median salary of $83,714 per year in Austin. Companies like Wipro, Infosys, IBM, Apple, Cisco Systems, National Instruments, and Facebook are the top employers of project managers in the city. Overall, the salary package goes as high as $124K annually in Austin. A PMP certification contributes significantly to these whopping salary figures. Senior project manager, leader of project management, and project coordinator are the other related job roles one can find in Austin. 

Wrap Up

Now that you know that PMP certification can not only help you land in Austin but also improves your earning potential, you should consider achieving it. There is also great alternative to the PMP qualification courtesy of the Half Double qualification which has been increasing the success rate of projects all over the world.

Though it will take dedicated efforts from your side, the perks that come along with the certification are worth your hard work. A number of online training providers have started offering high-quality PMP training to help you clear the rigorous exam in a single try. This option is best suited for everyone who cannot take out enough time for independent study or is busy with their hectic job schedule. Enrolling in one such course will help them get all the study materials instantly and learn at a comfortable pace.