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Is WordPress still the best CMS for business owners?

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For many years now, WordPress has been the dominant CMS for business owners. With over 43% of all websites on the internet built on WordPress, a percentage that is still increasing, it’s clearly still the CMS of choice.

That being said, are there better alternatives? In our opinion, WordPress still deserves the epithet of king in the website creation world. Here, we take a look at the multiple benefits associated with the service, from its effect on SEO to ease of use.


SEO, or search engine optimization, is crucial for all businesses of all sizes. Small firms will probably have to handle a lot of this work themselves, whilst larger companies will likely be able to allocate a sizeable budget for content writers and marketing strategists. 

WordPress significantly simplifies SEO, making it possible for relatively inexperienced users to grasp basic optimization techniques almost immediately. You can quickly install plug-ins that provide you with feedback on your existing SEO strategy, and point out areas for improvement.


WordPress is amazing in that it has a suitable option for everyone, from those who want to make a personal blog, all the way up to industry giants with millions of site visitors each month.

For smaller businesses with no marketing budget, WordPress even has a free option. If you want your website to be live, you’ll still have to pay for hosting and your domain, but you’ll have access to a wide range of WordPress tools for free, that help you to design, organise and post your content.


WordPress doesn’t just offer a wide variety of pricing options. It’s customizable in almost every way imaginable, with 55,000+ plug ins available at the time of writing. That means that while you may start off small, you will never be limited in terms of growth if you choose WordPress as your CMS of choice.

Ease of use

It’s also incredibly easy to get to grips with. While the world of web design can be offputting, as people often think they need to be able to navigate complex tools to even get started, WordPress couldn’t be easier to pick up.

The dashboard is highly intuitive to navigate, and there are heaps of online resources that can help you develop from a complete beginner to a relative expert. It will still take a lot of work, but if you’re willing to put the time in, you can achieve a lot.

If you’re looking to up your website game and take your business to the next level, reach out for further advice from web agency Webheads. If you don’t want to be held back by the limitations that often arise from building a website yourself, without professional knowledge, it’s often best to have a web agency take care of things from the very beginning, to avoid disappointment and wasted time.