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Jessica Mulroney Loses ‘Good Morning America’ Job After Reportedly Threatening Black Influencer Sasha Exeter

Canadian Network CTV Also Cuts Ties With Her

Jessica Mulroney will no longer appear make appearances on ABC’s “Good Morning America” after Sasha Exeter, a Black influencer, accused Mulroney of threatening her on Instagram. “GMA” announced Mulroney’s exit in a statement on Friday saying, “As Jessica Mulroney said last night, she is stepping away from her professional engagements and that includes “Good Morning America.” She will no longer appear on our show.”

The Canadian network CTV has also pulled Mulroney’s upcoming reality series, “I Do, Redo,” citing that the decision was made due to “conflicts with our commitment to diversity and equality.”

Mulroney, who is a close friend of Meaghan Markle, was accused of trying to silence Exeter after believing that the influencer had suggested she needed to do more in support of Black Lives Matter. In a video explaining the disagreement, Exeter said, “Listen, I’m by no means calling Jess a racist but what I will say is this. She is very well aware of her wealth, her perceived power, and privilege because of the color of her skin.”

Mulroney, a stylist and TV personality, is married to Ben Mulroney, the son of Canada’s former prime minister Brian Mulroney.