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Kratom and Kava: Important Differences You Need to Know

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In the ever-expanding landscapes of natural remedies, kratom and kava have emerged as noteworthy contenders. Each of them has their own story and potential therapeutic properties.  These are both plant-based products; while kratom originated from Southeast Asia, kava is from the Pacific islands. 

While both share roots in traditional practices, a closer examination reveals distinct differences in their chemical compositions, effects on body and mind, etc. In this article we will talk about the differences between kratom and kava. We will also discuss the many health benefits they provide and how to use them to get the benefits. 

Differences Between Kratom and Kava

Before moving on to the differences, we will briefly introduce kratom and kava. So, let’s start with kratom.

  • Kratom: Native to Southeast Asia, kratom belongs to the coffee family. It has been a part of Southeast Asian tradition for thousands of years. It was traditionally chewed as raw leaves by people for pain relief and to enhance mood. It is now also manufactured in the form of kratom capsules and powder.
  • Kava: It is the plant of the pepper family and is indigenous to the Western Pacific region. In the Pacific communities, kava is consumed before any religious ritual or ceremony begins. In these regions, it is socially drunk.

Differences Between Kava and Kratom

  • Origin and Botanical Backgrounds:

Kratom, flourishing in the lush landscapes of countries like Thailand and Indonesia, has been an integral part of cultural practices, entwining itself with traditions passed down through generations. Meanwhile, Kava thrives in the tranquility of the Pacific Islands, playing a crucial role in the rituals and ceremonies of cultures in Fiji, Vanuatu, and Samoa. These botanicals not only represent the diversity of the plant kingdom but also encapsulate the wisdom of cultures that have cultivated and revered them for centuries.

  • Active Compounds and Mechanism of Action

Beyond the leaves and the roots of these plants lies the chemical composition that defines Kratom and kava. Kratom’s alkaloids, notably mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, engage with opioid receptors, unfolding analgesic and euphoric effects. Conversely, Kava’s kavalactones chart a different course, influencing the central nervous system to instill relaxation and alleviate anxiety. Understanding these active compounds becomes the gateway to comprehending the unique physiological and psychological impacts these botanicals offer.

  • Effect on the Body and Mind

Kratom is often known for its stimulating and energizing properties. In contrast, kava is celebrated for its calming and stress-relieving attributes. These effects not only illuminate the diverse therapeutic potentials but also underscore the importance of intentional and informed consumption.

Similarities between Kratom and Kava

After the differences, let’s move to the similarities between kratom and kava. The preparation techniques and some of their effects are similar.

  • Preparation: Kratom leaves are usually dried and then crushed to create a powder. This powder is then mixed with water to create a drink. Dried leaves can also be used to make tea. Similarly, when preparing a kava drink, ground kava root powder is mixed with water and then strained to make a murky brown tea. Kratom is also marketed in the form of pills for easy consumption. Make sure you purchase kratom from trustworthy and reputable kratom vendors to get the best quality product.
  • Effects: Kava is a well-researched topic, and it is proven that it helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. Moreover, it also promotes muscle and emotional relaxation. Kratom has similar effects on the body. Different kratom strains are known to reduce stress, alleviate pain, and uplift mood.

This signifies that both kratom and kava can be consumed for the purpose of medicinal and recreational relaxation.

Benefits of Kratom and Kava

Let us now learn about the benefits of both these botanicals. 

  • Benefits of Kava: There have been many research studies done on kava, and it is proven that this plant supplement helps reduce anxiety and promote sleep. Kava helps in reducing stress and insomnia. Some studies have also reported that it helps improve sleep quality.
  • Benefits of Kratom: Many Kratom strains have been shown to help with opioid withdrawal symptoms. Also, Kratom helps in relieving pain and reducing anxiety and stress. Some research studies have also shown that Kratom uplifts mood and improves focus. If you want to purchase good quality kratom from top vendors, you can check this article from PGHCityPaper; it has curated a list of all the top kratom vendors.

Final Words: The Differences and Similarities of Kava and Kratom

In conclusion, kratom and kava have some similarities and differences. Both of these plant-based supplements are known for their therapeutic properties. However, they have different origins and effects on the body and mind. Some of the effects are similar, and the preparation is also done in the same way.

However, it is recommended to consume both kratom and kava according to your dosage. If you are a beginner, start with small dosages like 1-2 grams, and you can exceed it afterward. Choosing kratom from a reputable brand like Happy Go Leafy is also recommended. We hope this article will help you choose the best plant-based supplement.