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LED Digital Signage for Your Melbourne Shop

There is no question that digital signage is everywhere. In fact, it is almost impossible to walk down the street, go to the airport, visit a restaurant, or attend school anymore without seeing digital signage. 

Over the last few years, the number of businesses in Melbourne choosing to install LED digital signs has increased rapidly. Businesses use these outdoor displays to deliver content or a message that not only establishes their brand image but also promotes sales volume and increases customer engagement. If you want to know more about LED digital signage and why you should consider installing it in your Melbourne shop, then keep reading below:

The Basics of Digital Signage

Digital signage utilizes technologies such as projection, LED, and LCD to display content such as video, digital images, streaming media, and information. It consists of any size screen showing any type of content and it can be used for any reason. 

Why Install Digital Signage in Your Melbourne Shop?

Indoor retailers, commercial facilities, entertainment venues, and other businesses are constantly looking for new ways to stand out from the competition. In turn, several of these companies are implementing more effective signage as a go-to upgrade. 

Throughout the marketplace, LED displays have become one of the most popular options available. These displays offer true-to-life colours and clear displays, creating new ways to deliver an unforgettable customer experience. 

If you run or manage a shop in Melbourne, you will understand the need to move at a quick speed and be adaptable and agile to keep up with your competition. To boost sales potential, you need to be able to change prices and offers quickly and convey this information to your customers in a clear and understandable way. LED digital signs are an ideal way to achieve this. Here are some of the benefits of installing an LED digital sign in your Melbourne shop:

  • Improve customer experience – you can easily communicate the latest promotions and offers
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Incorporate promotional videos into your marketing campaigns
  • Ability to update displays quickly – this allows you to stay ahead of your competitors
  • Allows you to create a display that fits your shop and brand
  • The use of digital signage enhances the shopping experience and increases customer engagement.

Things You Need to Know About LED Digital Signage

Some types of digital signage solutions will be easier to implement and more effective in certain spaces. Before choosing an LED digital sign for your shop, here are some things you need to know:

  • LED displays of any size can be mounted onto a wall with a tile mount or a flat mount to point it down or sideways
  • Displays can be freestanding
  • Displays can be hung from the ceiling
  • Displays can be mounted on windows
  • Smaller displays can be used next to windows and doors
  • Open walls can be digitalised with a large videowall
  • Outdoor displays need to be custom-built to withstand all types of weather

Challenges to Consider Before Installing LED Digital Signage

Here are some of the challenges you may encounter when installing digital signage in your Melbourne shop.

  • Media players – deciding which media player to use can be challenging. One way to overcome this challenge is to use an SoC display. This means that the media player is built into the display. However, it is important to remember that if any problems occur, the whole system will need replacing, not simply the media player. 
  • Connectivity – in order to update content, it needs to be transmitted from the CMS (content management system) to the media player and then to the display. This requires a good internet connection
  • Electrics – your LED digital sign will require electrical power. You will need to make sure that you have enough power outlets available.
  • Security – like all technology, security is something you need to think about before installation. Digital signage can often be accessed by members of the public, meaning it can be tampered with or stolen. It may be a good idea to keep all your devices within view of a camera. You also need to be aware of cybercriminals. Make sure your online security is up to scratch
  • Visibility – there is no point in having amazing signage in your shop if your customers cannot see it.

Installing digital signage in your Melbourne shop can be more difficult than you would expect. If you would prefer to leave this job to the professionals, then contact a signage installer such as ONQDigital.

Although LED signage technology may be a new endeavour for your business, the potential sales benefits and customer engagement make it one of the best options available. However, while there are lots of advantages to installing an LED display in your Melbourne shop, it is often much harder than you would think. Therefore, it is always advisable to contact a professional LED digital sign installer when doing this work.