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Louis Cooke Gives Tips for a Successful Dropshipping Business

The difference between businesses that succeed and those that fail is not luck rather the right strategy and consistency, which is no different for the wholesale drop shipper. For your dropship business to grow, you need to do a market study and develop effective strategies.

With the internet has introduced many opportunities, promoting your business and making money online has never been more convenient. Unless you have the proper resources and tools at your disposal, dropshipping does not offer guaranteed success. In this article, Louis Cooke gives you tips on how to get the most out of the resources provided by the world wide web to make your dropshipping business a success.

  1. Choose the right products to sell

Although there are millions of products to sell, Louis advises that you find a niche product. A niche product narrows down your target market and the products you will sell. In doing so, you will be able to focus on the needs of your target market.

  1. Find a reliable drop ship supplier

Your business will never take off without a wholesale drop shipper. Louis suggests SaleHoo’s wholesale directory if you’re searching for the right supplier. SaleHoo screens and verifies all suppliers in their database, and therefore you can avoid scammers. They also update their database regularly, so you are guaranteed reliable information from their list of products and suppliers.

  1. Start your website or Sell on eBay

Now that you have your product and an excellent wholesale drop shipper, you need a place to sell. eBay is a popular auction site with heavy traffic, so you will not even need to advertise. On the other hand, if you use your website to sell, you will need to drive traffic to your site to get potential customers.

  1. Give offers to your customers

Suggestions such as discounts or coupons to loyal customers will help you increase your sales. You can also consider free shipping as a way to attract buyers. However, Louis warns that you need to have your numbers right not to lose money. Build your customer base first and have a mailing list of your customer so that you can contact them and inform them of new products or offers.

  1. Slowly expand your product line

Louis Cooke encourages you to stick to the same niche as you gradually increase your products to give your customers various choices. He advises that you check SaleHoo for products that are profitable and easy to sell. You can also make use of their tools to market and sell your products more effectively.

  1. Use the Right Tools

Deciding on the best strategies and choosing the right tools is not easy for drop-ship business. You can research the best tools to use to monitor market patterns and the designs of your competitors. You can use spy tools and fire tools that are readily available on the web to keep up with the latest trends.

Additionally, you need to research the best software to purchase for your dropshipping business. 

Although it may take a while for your dropshipping business to flourish, Louis Cooke affirms that the results are well worth the wait.