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Low-Code vs No-Code: Which Platform Does Your Businesses Need?

The terms low-code and no-code development are used with increased frequency within the business environment. These terms refer to two specific types of development platforms. In this article, we will look at these two platforms, explain what it is that you should look for when selecting one for your business, and discuss some examples of what they can do.

No-code platforms

No-code platforms are a digital system that uses visual guides and drag and drop methods for building applications. One of the key benefits of a no-code platform is that it can be used by anybody, regardless of their development knowledge and experience. No coding is required when creating apps.

Low-code platforms 

Although not as simple to operate as a no-code platform, low code platforms are far from complex. These systems provide slightly more options than a no-code platform while still being simple to operate. Due to the graphical interface that is used for app building, these platforms also provide the option for coding. This makes low-code platforms particularly beneficial for employees with coding experience. As they can build an app with the drag and drop functions before customizing the platform even further with their code. While these systems are considered more sophisticated, they provide a platform for employees with some coding experience to expand upon the applications they are building. 

Which platform do your businesses need?

Both no-code and low-code development platforms enable users to create applications in a fast and cost-effective manner. However, with an understanding of both systems and what makes them different, we can look at the factors that should be considered when selecting either platform. 

The key question to ask is what is the platform going to be used for? Is your business a small operation with several employees conducting multiple tasks? In which case, a specialized employee for your IT needs may not be feasible. A no-code application may be the right solution, providing the owner with control and an easy-to-use system. No-code systems are suitable for companies that want to create applications to serve functions such as increasing the accessibility of information, building standalone applications for specific tasks, such as guest book logging, or digitizing tedious tasks. 

Low-code development platforms are better suited for developers as they provide the opportunity to manually write codes into the system. The ability to implement code into a pre-build application means that users will be able to create applications singlehandedly that previously required teams of developers to achieve. This makes a low-code application suitable for the creation of medium-scale applications that require a higher degree of control and accessibility. 

No-code platform uses

No-code applications can be beneficial for several businesses. Here are some of the uses.

Data Management system

While spreadsheets are still widely used in many companies, it is not the most efficient data management method that can be employed. No-code platforms can easily build a database that can upload and store business records, which can be accessed with ease. 

Digitize Business Processes

No-code platforms can also be used to develop workflow management tools. By simplifying and digitizing business processes such as customer call scheduling, you free up an employee’s time and allow them to focus on other aspects of their duties that may require further attention. 

Developing Reports

Accurate information is vital, both for decision-making purposes and tracking performance. No-code platforms allow companies to create and access dashboards that collect and store crucial information, which the company can use to develop customized reports. 

Low-code platform use

Low-code platforms, like no-code, can also be used for developing data management systems, digitizing business processes, and developing business reports. However, we will focus on a specific benefit provided by low-code systems. 

Supplementing Legacy Systems

A benefit of low-code platforms is that they can supplement the efficiency of many legacy systems used in companies through integration. A low-code platform can automate a lot of the processes required by a company, doing the heavy lifting that cannot be achieved by the legacy system

Designing User Interfaces

A benefit of low-code platforms is the simplicity of using one. Generally, they provide a template with a set of UI’s which can then be customized to fit the application more closely. Striking a balance between a smooth user interface and user experience can be made easier with a low-code application. 


Both no-code and low-code systems have their advantages, and while low-code systems can achieve many of the same results as a no-code platform, the experience required to use these systems may be a barrier for several users. That is why no-code platforms may be suitable for many businesses.