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Magento 2 Product Feed – Let the World See You

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How do you manage your online shop? This is pure art and complicated science to build a prosperous eCommerce business and make things go well. You must take various nuances into consideration, calculate every step, and be a specialist in a bunch of different spheres, such as marketing, IT, and so on. An example of such nuances is the question of integrating your catalog into markets and shopping engines. The point is that if you have a certain list of goods, it means this list must be shown to as many people as possible. Your potential clients are everywhere, and they play the most significant role in forming revenue.

Get the best user experience by using this plugin for Magento 2. Let the add-on do its best for you and form the best feeds, no matter how many items you have. Automate the majority of processes and enjoy your sales growth. If you find this interesting, you will be glad to know much more about the features and other peculiarities of the extension we have today!


Ready-to-use Templates

For better convenience and a quick start, here, you can find over 50 pre-made templates for the majority of the most popular marketplaces and shopping engines. The thing folk like you are usually looking for in such plugins is, of course, the possibility to generate a feed for Google, first of all. This is an example of search engines, but if you want to make people from social media become interested in you, you may use a Magento 2 Facebook product feed preset or Instagram preset, for instance. This method covers an enormous number of users.

Besides, the variables these templates have are enough to start working, and you can forget about being concerned about adding additional variables. So everything you need is to install the add-on and enjoy its working.

Complete Control

It’s awesome that there is no limit to the number of fields you want to see in your feed. Any field can be modified at ease using the menu. If you are more into the idea of direct modifying, just edit the code of a field. It doesn’t concern only new feeds, which means you can edit templates as well. If you are not sure about how a feed looks like, just use the preview feature.

Easy feed import and export

Templates, new filters, and dynamic attributes/categories/variables can be easily imported and exported for better convenience. This is necessary for backup purposes, so you can restore your data from YAML files when you need it. You are also free to use XML importing and other different file types.

Flexible Filters

Filtering is another killer feature of this add-on. To be more specific, it’s unbelievable how many options you’ve got here. You can filter by the following parameters:

  • Price
  • Number of goods (show only in-stock items)
  • Parent category (even if the product is bundled/configurable)
  • SKU
  • Image (show only products with images)
  • Any attribute (e.g. color)

This allows you to choose which products will get into the feed, so you can promote only certain goods for certain services. Such great flexibility gains you the control you need to make your shop bloom.

People usually use filters to obtain values they are interested in regarding certain configurable products. This can be done to attach the link to a parent product to exported products or to return the value of a parent product, for instance. 

What concerns variables, there are also a few possible options, such as managing inventory numbers of products.

Command Line Interface Support

Feed management can be done using either the backend panel or the command line. The second option also allows you to easily generate feeds and deliver them.

Feed Automation


The actuality of information people see in your feeds is crucial, so you have to make sure that everything is fine here. This plugin offers various ways to keep data up to date. The most convenient one is an automatic one that works through cron job. Schedule the creation of feeds at any time you want. As a result, you can set certain feeds to be renewed at a certain day and time without additional moves from your side, which is pretty convenient.

Access by URL

Feeds have their own URLs. This allows you to not only quickly access them whenever you want but also track them using special software like Google Analytics. Besides, the parameters you get here can be automatically added to the feed URL.

Different platforms support different types of files. Your link can be equipped with the following files, depending on the service: txt, CVS, XML.

Automatic uploading

Forget about manual uploading with this extension. You can schedule even the time when your product feeds should be delivered. To do this, you will need the FTP/FTPS/SFTP credentials of the services. Make sure everything works properly by clicking on the Connection button.


Get notified by email each time when a product feed is successfully generated or delivered. Also, stay tuned if something goes wrong. Save your time and mind your business but keep in touch.

Full Feed History

Notifications are not the only way you can monitor what’s going on to your feeds. Open the history tab to see detailed logs of the creation, update, and so on.

Product Analytics

Reporting tool

Analytics is an essential part of success when it comes to e-stores. Use the special tool to monitor the efficiency of your feeds or a specific feed over a certain period of time. 

Configure feeds separately by enabling and disabling clicks and orders. This option lets you know the exact transfer rate for a particular feed.

A convenient, neat grid will make it simple for you to observe the necessary information regarding your feeds. The system of filters also helps in narrowing down the viewing data, All you need to do is to choose what parameters you want to track. The data from this grid can be presented in the form of an interactive chart. Moreover, you can choose the most preferable form of the chart. 

You can also integrate feed reports into your Google Analytics account and monitor them there, by setting up the necessary UTM parameters.

Exceptional Customization


First of all, before you decide to configure feeds to make them meet your needs, take a look at the preset patterns that are special shortcodes, in fact. There are two types of such calling/editing codes: for attributes and for values. These patterns allow you to apply different changes, such as PHP functions or attribute code, for instance. 

Patterns can be easily chosen from a convenient, drop-down menu. Moreover, you have an opportunity to see how the feed will look like, with the help of the preview function.

These patterns will make your feeds more unique and attractive, which is good in terms of promotion.

Dynamic attributes

You can create new attributes or alter values, depending on what you need at the moment. You are able to apply dynamic attributes, such as shipping price or product manufacturer, for example. Thus, each product with a certain price or of a certain brand may be automatically marked as free-to-ship ones. This makes customization even more flexible. 

Dynamic variables

This feature is even more mind-blowing. Using PHP functions, you can make all variables fit your needs in a few clicks. With the help of such variables, you can make your feed as complete and informative as it’s possible because you can set certain values for any product: price, quantity, and so on. Fields with dynamic variables will never become out-of-date, which helps you keep your potential consumers in touch with actual information.

Dynamic categories

The choice of a category where your feed would be displayed is quite important. The reason is that it has a direct influence on how many users will become your clients. In other words, the conversion rate depends on the promotion strategy. So if you want to make your products always match their categories, simply choose the necessary category from the menu. Your feed will never get lost, with the help of this feature.


It’s amazing when you can automate such a vital process and save plenty of time to pay attention to other aspects of your business. With the advanced product feed Magento 2 extension, you can feel safe because you always know that your catalog is promoted in the best possible way.